Copilot Generative: Candidate Card


This article explains how to use Bullhorn's Copilot Generative AI Candidate Card. This feature integrates with OpenAI and Azure and can be used to create candidate correspondence by automatically pulling information from the Candidate record in your Bullhorn ATS. You can use this to generate email messages, screening questions, pitches, and much more with the click of a button.

The Copilot Candidate Card is available to customers with the Enterprise edition of Bullhorn ATS/CRM. To request this feature, please reach out to your Bullhorn Account Manager.

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How does the Copilot Candidate Card Work?

  1. From the Copilot Candidate Card you can select a prompt button or enter a custom prompt.
  2. In the background, Bullhorn engineers a prompt to return the desired outcome and pushes that prompt to your connected Large Language Model (LLM).
  3. In a matter of seconds, the LLM returns the output directly to the Copilot Candidate Card.
  4. Once your output is returned, you can adjust the length, tone, or use a custom action to refine your results.

Using the Copilot Candidate Card

  1. Open the candidate record you want to create correspondence for.
  2. Locate the Copilot card on the Overview tab.

  3. Select a prompt by clicking one of the buttons at the bottom of the Copilot card, or by clicking MORE PROMPTS and selecting an option within the list.

    The following prompts are available:
    • Pitch candidate for a job
    • Create screening questions
    • Summarize candidate’s profile
    • Draft a check-in message
    • Create a client pitch
    • Write a rejection message
    • Improve candidate’s description
    • Custom prompt (See Custom Prompts for more information)
  4. You can tailor your prompt to a specific job by entering the job record name or ID in the Select a Job field.

    • After selecting a job, you can view more details by clicking the job title. Click the X next to the job title to remove it from the selection.
  5. Copilot will pull information from the candidate’s Resume field by default, but you can also ask it to pull from the candidate's Categories, Specialties, Skills, Education, and Work History fields by selecting them in the using field.

    • If a candidate's resume is less than 100 characters, Copilot will default to using the Categories, Specialties, Skills, Education, and Work History when there is data available in those fields. If there is no data available in those fields, then the Copilot card will not be usable until you add in data points.
  6. Click GENERATE to resend the prompt with your selected job and/or additional fields included.
  7. Click the action buttons to select options to refine your message.

    • Select TONE to match your preferred writing style.
    • Select LENGTH to shorten or increase the word count.
    • Select LANGUAGE to translate your message to one of the supported languages. The default selection is based on your Private Label's locale setting.
    • Select CUSTOM ACTION for any additional instructions, such as:
      • Translating to another language not listed under the CHANGE LANGUAGE dropdown
      • Making your message even more personalized by including verbiage from the candidate's resume
      • Making the message format HTML-friendly
  8. The action buttons will change to indicate your selections. Click UPDATE to refine your message with these actions.

  9. Once you are happy with the results, select COPY TO CLIPBOARD and paste the text into an email or text message.

    • To reset, click START OVER in the bottom left corner, or click the refresh icon () at the top right of the Copilot card.

Custom Prompts

If you need something else not included in the default prompts, you can create a custom prompt.

  1. On the Copilot card click MORE PROMPTS, then select Custom Prompt.
  2. Click into the Type a custom prompt field and enter your prompt.
  3. Click into the area below to select any additional fields you’d like Copilot to pull from. You can select from the following fields:
    • Categories
    • Specialties
    • Skills
    • Education
    • Work History
  4. Click Update to generate your message.

Tips for Writing an Effective Prompt

  • Start with an action word (create, write, etc.)
  • Provide context about what is requested
  • Use a reference (in Copilot this is the name of the candidate)
  • Be specific

"Create a request for an updated resume from {insert candidate name here}."