Credentialing Overview & FAQ

This article outlines the Credentialing feature and the process for assigning Credentials and Credential Requirements to records. While this article focuses on Credentialing V2, it does outline how to distinguish between Credentialing V1 and V2.

Important considerations:

  • Credentialing is part of our Healthcare Bundle and is separate from our Certifications feature.
  • Credentialing v2 can be automated with Oboarding Talent Edition.
  • Credentials are related to Candidate records. Credential Requirements (previously Requirement Types) can be associated with Candidates, Job Submissions, and Placements.


Healthcare staffing requires documentation and credentialing management to minimize the risk of placing unqualified candidates in roles. Bullhorn makes it easy to maintain Credential Requirements that Candidates must have for a placement in a healthcare position. With Credentialing, you can:

  • Track credential requirements and candidate qualifications
  • Collect and store credential/license documents
  • Report on expiring and expired credentials
  • Notify candidates of expiring credentials
  • Minimize the risk of placing non-compliant candidates
  • Support audits for DMR and Joint Commission compliance

Where to Start

How Credentialing Works

Distinguishing Between V1 and V2

The easiest way to distinguish between Credentialing V1 and V2, is to look at the Credentialing tab itself.

Credentialing V2 will show a drop down in the top right hand corner that will include Candidate Credential Requirements, Job Submission Credential Requirements, and other such options. These are not present for Credentialing V1.


How you interact with the credentialing feature depends on your role.

Role Action
Admin Choose who views, adds, edits, or deletes a credential and requirement. Granting access ensures your users only have the level of access required for their role.
Recruiter View job credential requirements to match qualified candidates faster and easier.
Credentialing Specialist Maintain certification requirements to ensure you are up to date and within compliance.
Candidate With OTE integration, Candidates can upload, update, and view their credentials on-demand.

Determine What Credentials are Needed

You will first need to determine what credentials are to be tracked. This will depend on what kind of jobs your agency typically has and what qualifications are needed for those.

Some examples of credentials needing to be tracked are certificates, a driver's license, or even if a form has been filled out or not.

Credential Requirements and Credential Requirement Groups

You determine if you would like this Credential to be categorized as a Credential Requirement. Credential Requirements are Credentials that are required for a Candidate to be considered for placement .This could also include if a Candidate is allowed to submit for a job.

For ease of use, Credential Requirements can be clustered into a Credential Requirement Group. This grouping is created when the same set of Credential Requirements repeatedly shows up together for jobs. The Credential Requirement Group allows the you to cluster these Credential Requirements together to assign them more easily.

Assign Credential Requirements to Records

You determine which entity you would like the Credential assigned to. In Credentialing V2 this can be done at different stages in the recruitment process.

For detailed steps on how to add Credential Requirements to records, see Credential Requirements (for Job Submissions, Placements or Candidates) and Flowing Credential Requirements (for Jobs or Companies).

Credential Requirements can be added to the following records:


If the you want all Submissions under the Job to have this same Credential Requirement.

This will cause Internal Submissions created from the Job to inherit the Credential Requirements automatically.


If you want to wait with assigning/checking the Credentials until the Candidate has been placed.


If all Jobs within a Company require the same Credential Requirements.

These requirements will then flow into the same fields on the Job for any Job created from that Company, and subsequently any Internal Submissions and Placements created from the Job, to inherit the Credential Requirements automatically.


If you want all of Candidates to meet a certain Requirement in order for them to be submitted for a form (maybe an intake form).

Alternatively, if your agency only works in one specific branch, you may have a certification that is required for all Candidates. In this case, a Candidate Credential Requirement won’t stop the record from being submitted. It is just recorded separately from Internal Submission Credential Requirements.

Fill in Credential Requirements

Once the Credential Requirements are added to the relevant entities, you can fill them in by doing the following:

  • Add the Credentials. 
    • Depending on the client's workflow, you may have certain Credentials that you request from your Candidates right away, such as those for Candidate Credential Requirements. Some Credentials you won’t request until they are required for a Job.
    • When the Candidate has sent their Credential, you can add them to the Candidate record. To do this, see Managing Candidate Credential Files.
  • Match the Credentials with Credential Requirements.


Are the latest Credentialing enhancements available in S Release?

The latest Credentialing enhancements are only available in Bullhorn Novo.

What's new with Credentialing?

  • Credential Requirements List: View all Credentials in one centralized list view. This increases visibility, efficiency, and increases the ability to maintain compliance as a result.
  • Credential File Attachments: A new location and way to store Credential Files, separate from the general Files tab. This is designed to be secure and is meant to store Candidate Credentials from a credentialing workflow perspective. For privacy settings, please see Managing Candidate Credential Files.
  • Credential Requirements for Job Submissions and Candidates: Credential Requirements can now also be associated with Candidates and Job Submissions. This allows you to better manage and track Credentials throughout various stages of the hiring workflow.
  • Request New Credential Entitlement: A new usertype action entitlement can be added called "Request New Credential". This allows a user to request a new Credential from the Credentialing tab on a Candidate or Placement record by selecting Request new Credential from the action drop down.

How do I upgrade to the new version if I already use Credentialing?

If you already use Credentialing, Contact Bullhorn Support and we'll enable the new functionality free of charge. Your existing Credentialing data will remain in your database.

  • During the upgrade process, Bullhorn Support will request to update the existing Credentialing terminology in your database (updating Requirement Type to Credential Requirement and Credential to Candidate Credential). This is optional but we recommend updating the terminology for a smoother transition.
  • After the upgrade, files on Candidate records that you want to use for Credentialing will need to be moved from the Files tab to the Credential File Attachments tab. See Managing Candidate Credential Files for more information. You can do this on an individual basis, however, if you know what files you want to be moved, our Professional Services team can perform this update in mass for a fee. Please reach out to your Account Manager for additional information.
  • Editing history fields for Credentialing were also added to Credentialing v2 and may contain "NULL" values for past data / records. This can be updated using an API.