Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise;CRM Only Audience: Administrative Users

Field Interactions

Field Interactions use a custom API to trigger a series of actions when data in a field is entered or changed. These can be used on record fields as well as Understanding Custom Objects fields.

Creating field interactions requires a developer with knowledge of Java. Contact Bullhorn Support to enable access to field interactions for your developer.

Please note that Bullhorn Support cannot build field interactions for you.

Examples of Field Interactions

The ways you can use field interactions include:

  • Performing simple field validations
    • Example: Checking email addresses contain @ and . characters
  • Modifying how information is displayed
    • Example: Making fields read-only for selected usertypes, or hiding fields based on values entered in other fields.
  • Performing custom calculations based on field data
    • Example: Calculating the amounts entered in two fields and auto-populating a third field with the total.

You can find more information on field interactions in our Developer Documentation.

Help! I don't have a developer

Many of our Systems Integration partners can help with developing field interactions. For a full list of partners who can assist with setting up field interactions, visit our Marketplace Partner Listing and filter by category “Implement & Integrate".

Bullhorn can also assist with configuring Field Interactions via a paid customization through our Professional Services team. Please reach out to your account manager for more information.