Gross Margin Calculator

The Bullhorn Margin Calculator tab on Job records is used in Healthcare staffing to clarify the different rates, travel info, and take home pay for candidates. This allows you to quickly and easily explain the information to your candidates.

See below for more information on the following sections of the Margin Calculator:

Candidate Info

In the Candidate Info section, select the candidate whose information you want to display from the Candidate field. Note: The Candidate must be internally submitted to the Job to appear in this field.

Once you select a Candidate, the other fields will automatically pull in from the Candidate record. Any missing information should be updated on the Edit tab of the Candidate record.

Client Bill Information

The Bill Rate, OT Bill Rate, and VMS Fees % fields fill in from the Job record and can be changed on the Edit tab of the Job record. The Client Fees % is for any additional fees associated with the Job. The Gross Revenue and Net Revenue fields automatically calculate each revenue.

  • Gross Revenue = Bill Rate * Hours Worked (automatically calculates OT rates if applicable)

  • Net Revenue = Gross Revenue - Weekly Gross Pay - Lodging and Meals Allowance

Assignment Info

All fields in this section pull from the Job record and can be edited from the Edit tab on the Job record. This information is used for calculating the revenue and margins throughout the tab.

Travel Info

The fields in this section allow you to add in any Per Diem that may be paid on the job. Clicking the blue Click Here button will take you to Google Maps and calculate the distance from the candidate's address to the job address.

This section is linked to the GSA website and will calculate the maximum daily and weekly allowances for lodging and meals. You can edit these allowances and see how that impacts the other fields on the Margin Calculator. The lines will stay green unless you move above the weekly allowance when it will turn red indicating you need to lower the allowance. You can also add in any travel cost or a one time bonus for the candidate.

Pay Info

The Pay Info section allows you to adjust the pay rates for the candidate to see what will bring you a desired margin and bring the candidate to a pay range they will accept. Tax Rate is editable but is only an estimation of their tax rate.

Margin Info

The Margin Info section has 2 fields:

  • Desired Margin: pulls from the Company record and can be changed on that edit tab.

  • Actual Margin: takes all of the pay and bill rates, along with any other allowances and calculates the margin for this deal at those rates.

    • This line will be green if you are equal to or above the Desired Margin and red if you are below it.

Weekly Take Home Pay

The Weekly Take Home Pay section calculates a high and low take home amount based on the Current and Desired Pay rate fields in the Candidate Info section. It also has an Estimated field calculated using the Pay Rate you enter under the Pay Info section. This will be green if the amount is in between the low and high take home pay, red if below the low pay, and blue if above the high pay. The final field in this section is the W/ Per Diem and is the estimated take home pay plus any weekly per diems allowed from the travel section.

Potential Gross Commission

The Potential Gross Commission allows you to enter the percentage of commission you would earn on this deal and it will calculate your weekly low and high commission amount.

Once you have your margin calculator finalized with the rates that work for you, the Job, and the Candidate you can go to the upper right hand corner and print this Margin Calculator. You can also save to a PDF from the print screen and upload it to the Job and Candidate records in Bullhorn.