Configure Canvas to Show a Set Number of Results


You can use a custom filter with the running-count expression that will restrict your results.

For example, the below expression would restrict your appointment report to your next 5 upcoming appointments.

running-count ([Last Appointment Date Begin]) < 6

You can modify the above to fit your desired field and by changing the 6 to match your desired maximum number.

To implement this for your report you'll want to use the below steps.


  1. Sort the report on the field you want the top results on (for example, descending for top deals).
  2. Double-click the field header and copy the Expression Definition from the pop-up. You'll need it in a few steps.

  3. On the table, click dots in the top left hand corner so the entire table/report turns light blue.
  4. Click on the filter icon and select Edit Filters.
  5. Select the plus icon to add a new detail filter.
  6. Select Advanced and then press OK
  7. Paste the below into the Expression Definition box:
    running-count ( ) < 6
  9. Paste the Expression Definition you copied back in Step 1.
  10. Verify the expression by selecting the check mark icon to check for errors. Correct if necessary.
  11. Select OK and run your report.