Editions Available: All Editions Audience: Administrative Users

How Departments Divide Data

You can use departments to divide data in your database and determine which users can access which records and their related activity.

Users with the “view any” permissions will notice a different behavior, see the sample case below. Users without the ability to view any record will be able to see the Admin's records if they are a member of one of the departments that Admin is a part of.

Records are owned by users who you assign to different departments. Whatever records a user owns becomes part of the department(s) to which the user is assigned.


Sample Cases

If all users only have 1 department then they can only view records within their department.

Let’s say we update Laura so she is now a member of B and C. She’ll see all of the records in both departments and all users in either department will be able to view all of her records. But Amanda in department C would still not able to view Andrew’s records who is in Department B.

Now we update Laura so she’s a member of all departments. She can see every record in every department and all users can view each of her records.

If we give Laura the entitlements to view any record while she is only a member of Department B, she can view any record in the database; but only users in Department B can view her records.