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Running the Opportunity Pipeline Report

You can use the Opportunity Pipeline Report to gather insight on potential opportunities.

You can limit the records returned in this report by setting one or more of the filters in the table below. If you select multiple filters, Bullhorn returns records meeting the criteria of all selected filters. The filters marked with a red asterisk are required: you must enter data for those. Filter and column names may differ depending on your company's terminology.


  • Weighted Deal Value is calculated by multiplying the Deal Value by the percentage associated with the opportunity’s status (as defined in the opportunityStatusProbabilityToClose system setting).

  • The Probability of Win % is calculated by dividing the Weighted Deal Value by the Deal Value.




Reporting Period

Time period when the opportunity was added. If blank, defaults to last week.

Date Added From and Date Added To

Date range for when new opportunities were added. Only applies when filtering the report by new opportunities. If selected, the report pulls for these dates and ignores the Reporting Period drop-down.

Filter user activity by (Me check box)

Limits data to activity you own.

Opportunity Owner

Limits data to activity for the selected users.

Filter department activity by (My department check box)

Limits data to activity for your primary department.


Limits data to activity for selected users for whom the selected department is the primary department. If you select specific departments, the report pulls for those departments and ignores the My Department check box.

Filter by open or closed Opportunities

Open - Limits data to all currently open opportunities. Closed - Limits data to all currently closed opportunities. When you select this option the date range filter no longer applies.


Limits data to opportunities with the selected employment types.


Limits data to opportunities with the selected statuses.

Export Level

Level of detail you want to export: Summary (low-level details are not included) or Detail (low-level details are included). Note that this filter only applies when the report format is unformatted Excel.

Report Format

Display format of the report: web page or unformatted Excel.


After clicking Generate Report, activity totals display by department, then by stage, then by owner, and then for each opportunity.




Organizes activity by the departments in your organization.

Total Opportunities

Lists the total number of opportunities that meet the criteria in the department.

Total Deal Value

The combined deal value amount for the opportunities in the department.

Total Weighted Deal Value

The combined weighted deal value amount for the opportunities in the department.


When you expand a department’s row, the following columns display.




Organizes activity by the statuses of each opportunity.


Lists the total number of opportunities in the given status.

Total Deal Value

The combined deal value amount for the opportunities in the given status.

Total Weighted Deal Value

The combined weighted deal value amount for the opportunities in the given status.


When you expand a stage’s row, the following columns display.




Owner Organizes activity by the owner of each opportunity.

Lists the total number of opportunities the user owns.

Total Deal Value

The combined deal value amount for the opportunities the user owns.

Total Weighted Deal Value

The combined weighted deal value amount for the opportunities the user owns.


When you expand an opportunity owner’s row, the following columns display.





The title of the opportunity.

Company The company with which the opportunity is associated.

The contact with which the opportunity is associated.

Assigned to

The user the opportunity is assigned to.


The status of the opportunity.

Deal Value The deal value of the opportunity.
Weighted Deal Value

The weighted deal value of the opportunity.

Probability of Win %

The probability of the opportunity becoming a job.


The type of the opportunity.

Expected Close Date

The date the opportunity is expected to close.

Actual Close Date

The date the opportunity actually closed (if applicable).

Reason Closed

The reason the opportunity was closed (if applicable).

# of Openings

The number of openings associated with the opportunity.

Days in Status

The number of days the opportunity has been in its current status.