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Running the Placement Activity Report


You can use the Placement Activity Report to track placement activity for jobs you and other users own. This report only displays activity for contract placements with a pay rate, bill rate, and end date, and permanent placements with a salary and flat fee.

Running the Placement Activity Report


You can limit the records returned in this report by setting one or more of the filters in the table below. If you select multiple filters, Bullhorn returns records meeting the criteria of all selected filters. The filters marked with a red asterisk are required. You must enter data for those.



Start Date and End Date

Date range of the activity to include.

If selected, the report pulls for these dates and ignores the Reporting Period drop-down.

Reporting Period

Time period of the activity to include. If blank, defaults to last week.

Filter User Activity By (Me check box)

Limits activity to placements for which you are the candidate and job owner.

Job Owner

Limits activity to placements for which the selected user is the job owner.

If selected, the report pulls for these users and ignores the Me check box.


Limits activity to placements for which the selected user submitted the candidate to the job.

Bullhorn is pulling data based on Candidates you submitted to the job (regardless of who owns the candidate).

For more information about which data Bullhorn is pulling, contact your Bullhorn Administrator.

Filter Department Activity By (My Department check box)

Limits data to activity for your primary department.


Limits activity to the selected departments. Placements are associated with the department tied to the user who owns the associated job.

If selected, the report pulls for recruiters in these departments and ignores the My Department check box.


Limits activity to placements for the selected companies.

Run by

Limits activity by:

  • Start Date - Date when placements begin.
  • End Date - Date when placements end.
  • Date Added - Date when placements were added.
  • Active during Report Period - Date range during which placements were active, based on the following rules:
    • The placement start date is before the reporting period and the placement end date is after the reporting period.
    • The placement start date is before the reporting period and the placement end date is within the reporting period.
    • The placement start date is within the reporting period and the placement end date is after the reporting period.
    • The placement start date is before or within the reporting period and the placement end date is blank.
Report Type

Limits the activity to contract placements, permanent placements, or both.

  • Contracts - Limits placements to those with a bill and pay rate greater than zero and an end date filled out.

  • Permanent - Limits placements to those with a salary and flat fee greater than zero.

  • Both - Displays Placements that meet the criteria for either a contact or permanent.

Employment Type

Limits activity to the selected employment types.

Placement Status

Limits activity to the selected statuses.

Report Format

Display format of the report: web page or unformatted Excel.

Generating the Report

After clicking Generate Report, some of the following columns appear. Note that this section of the report only displays 500 records. Activity totals display for the department or company. When you expand the department, individual placements display. Column names may differ depending on your company's terminology.



Total Placements

Number of placements meeting the selected criteria.

Average Fee

Average flat fee value across all permanent placements in the Total Placement column.

  • Average flat fee is calculated using this formula:
    • (Placement Salary x Placement Fee) / # of Placements Returned = Average Flat Fee
Total Revenue

Total flat fee value for all placements in the Total Placement column.

  • Flat fee is calculated using this formula:
    • Placement Salary x Placement Fee = Flat Fee
Average Bill Rate

Average bill rate for all placements in the Total Placement column.

Average Pay Rate

Average pay rate for all placements in the Total Placement column.

Average Spread

Average difference between bill rate and pay rate for all contract placements in the Total Placement column.

Average Revenue

Average of the estimated revenue for all contract placements in the Total Placement column.

  • Contract revenue is calculated using this formula:
    • Start Date - End Date = Days Worked (only counts Monday - Friday)
    • Bill Rate x Days Worked = Estimated Revenue

If Pay Unit is…

then Days Worked is…


Days Worked x 8


Days Worked

Week Days Worked / 5

Days Worked / 21

If the Pay Unit does not match any of the above, Bullhorn defaults to hour.

Contract placements must have an end date to be used in this calculation.

Average Margin

Average reported margin for all contract placements in the Total Placement column.

  • Reported margin is calculated using this formula:
    • Bill Rate - (Pay Rate x Burden) / Bill Rate = Placement Margin

Expanding Information

After expanding a department or company, the following columns may appear. This section of the report only displays 150 records.




Placement's Bullhorn identification number.


Status of the placement.


Company associated with the job.


Contact associated with the company.

Reporting To

Name of the person the candidate reports to.

Employee Type

Employee type as listed on the placement record.

Job #

Job's Bullhorn identification number.

Job Title

Job title as listed on the job record.


Name of the user who owns the job record.


Name of the recruiter who submitted the candidate to the job.

Placement Type Employment type as listed on the placement record.

Name of the candidate placed on the job.

Date Added Date the placement was created in Bullhorn.
Start Date

Date the candidate's employment starts at the company.

End Date

Date the candidate's employment ends at the company.


Annual salary as listed on the placement.

Fee % Percentage of the salary that the staffing/recruiting agency charges for the placement. This pulls from the placement record.
Flat Fee

Amount (in dollars) for what the staffing/recruiting agency charges for the placement.

  • Flat fee is calculated using this formula:
    • Placement Salary x Placement Fee = Flat Fee

Bill rate as listed on the placement.


Pay rate as listed on the placement.

Spread Difference between the bill rate and the pay rate on the placement.

Pay unit as listed on the placement.

Estimated Revenue

Revenue for contract placements year to date.

  • Contract revenue is calculated using this formula:
    • Start Date - End Date = Days Worked (only counts Monday - Friday)
    • Bill Rate x Days Worked = Estimated Revenue

If Pay Unit is…

then Days Worked is…


Days Worked x 8


Days Worked


Days Worked / 5


Days Worked / 21

If the Pay Unit does not match any of the above, Bullhorn defaults to hour.

Contract placements must have an end date to be used in this calculation.

Gross Margin

Revenue for contract placements.

Reported margin is calculated using the Reported Margin field on the placement.


Name of the user listed as the first commission recipient on the Commissions tab.

Commission Role

Role of the user listed as the first commission recipient on the Commissions tab.


Percentage of the commission designated for the user listed as the first commission recipient on the Commissions tab.


Name of the user listed as the second commission recipient on the Commissions tab.

Commission Role

Role of the user listed as the second commission recipient on the Commissions tab.


Percentage of the commission designated for the user listed as the second commission recipient on the Commissions tab.


Name of the user listed as the third commission recipient on the Commissions tab.

Commission Role

Role of the user listed as the third commission recipient on the Commissions tab.


Percentage of the commission designated for the user listed as the third commission recipient on the Commissions tab.

Grand Totals

The following grand totals appear for all departments or companies:



Total Placements

Total number of placements for all departments or companies.

Average Fee

Average flat fee value across all permanent placements for all departments or companies.

Total Revenue

Total flat fee value for all permanent placements for all departments or companies.

Average Bill Rate

Average bill rate for all contract placements for all departments or companies.

Average Pay Rate

Average pay rate for all contract placements for all departments or companies.

Average Spread

Average difference between bill rate and pay rate for all contract placements for all departments or companies.

Average Revenue

Average of the estimated revenue for all contract placements for all departments or companies.

Average Margin

Average reported margin for all contract placements for all departments or companies.