Editions Available: VMS Access Audience: All Users

VMS Slingshot

VMS Slingshot is an advanced feature of Bullhorn VMS Access that allows you to quickly and seamlessly map parse your candidate information, via a browser extension for Google Chrome, from the Bullhorn ATS into your Vendor Management Systems, alleviating many of the pain points that occur when constantly navigating between the two applications. To put it simply, the extension allows you to select a company in VMS Access that has been configured as an end clients for candidate submittal in VMS Access) and choose your candidate from Bullhorn using Faster Find. After an initial field mapping process, you can submit your candidates to VMS requisitions in just a few easy clicks.

To request VMS Access for Slingshot, contact Bullhorn Support. It’s important to note that simply downloading the Chrome extension will not allow you to use VMS Slingshot, Bullhorn Support must perform a number of configuration steps to your VMS Access account beforehand.