Using AI Auto Match

Using the Match Candidates Step

This feature can only be accessed in a Job-based automation. To add this step, select Add New Step > Match Candidates.

After you add this step, a Match Candidates Settings drawer will appear with two sections, Match Settings and Automation Settings.

Match Settings

Match Settings is the area that determines how Candidates are matched to the Jobs that enter into this automation.

Match the Top__Candidates

The number added here is the number of top Candidates that will be matched to a single job added in this automation.

  • The default amount is ten Candidates.
  • A maximum of 50 Candidates can be matched to a single Job in a record's first flow through an automation. If you enter a number over 50 in this section it will disable the Save button.

Only Match Candidates with a Score Over __%

This is the match percentageBullhorn Automation should use to qualify matched Candidates to a Job. The default for this setting is 90%. Anything over 100% or less than 1% is not allowed, and will disable the Save button.

Candidate AI Auto Match scores are defined as:

  • < 85%: Excellent
  • > 70%: Good
  • > 60%: Decent
  • < 60%: Poor

These score definitions are hard-coded and cannot be configured on a per-client or per-automation basis.

Typically an Excellent match means that the Candidate's position title, combined with the job title and other synced data points, are more successfully matched.

Only Match Candidates Within __ Miles or Kilometers of the Job

AI Auto Match will try to match candidates only with jobs that are within the maximum distance radius. If no jobs within the maximum distance are available, we will expand the search.

Use this setting to choose the desired range of a Job's location as defined on the Job record, which will then be compared with the Candidates' location data. This selection will be applied to all jobs that pass through this step.

You can set your distance in miles or kilometers. Distance will be measured based on the ZIP / Postal Code by default. If this field is empty, the distance will pull from the City and State values instead.

Only Match Candidates that are Part of the Following List

This optional setting allows you to only match candidates to a job if they fit your custom criteria. You can either select an existing Candidate-based list, or create a new list for this purpose.

We added this requirement so you can ensure that Bullhorn Automation will only match candidates that you decide would be a great fit based on your business preferences.
For example, you could add a list criteria for Candidates that have a Status of Active, and a Placement Status that is not Approved, Submitted, or Terminated. Or Candidates with a Position Termination Reason, or with a Date Available after a certain date, etc. Bullhorn Automation will only look at this list of Candidates to determine an AI Auto Match.

Automation Settings

This section of automation settings is separate to the main automation settings and can only be found in the Match Candidates step in a Job-based automation. These settings determine what happens with your Candidate matches if a Job record re-enters this automation.

Let’s break down each section further:

If a Job Re-enters This Automation, What Should Happen?

There are two options for this section:

  • Only match additional candidates if there are fewer than __ Candidates:
    If a Job re-enters an automation (as defined in the main automation settings), it will continue to look for new matches if there are currently fewer than the selected number of matches on the Job record.
  • Match the next best __ Candidates:
    If a Job re-enters an automation (as defined in the main automation settings), it would find the next best set of candidate matches with the amount found in this section.

These candidates will be added to a Bullhorn Automation list (Optional)

Use this setting if you want to add the matched Candidates to their own specific Candidate-based list within Bullhorn Automation.

You can choose from an existing list or create a new one. You can then use this list against other automations, export the list, or search for records on the list via the Advanced Search. This setting is useful if you want to take automated actions for these matched candidates inside of Bullhorn Automation.

This is different to the required list in Match Settings. The list you enter in Match Settings is the pool of Candidates that will go through the automation, whereas this is the list that matched Candidates will be added to.

Also Create a Submission in Bullhorn?

This setting allows clients to automatically create a Submission against the Job record in Bullhorn.

By default, a candidate ‘matching’ to a job in Bullhorn Automation creates an AI Auto Match Submission that lives inside of Bullhorn Automation only. We added this feature since we understood that your company may not want to automatically add submissions in your ATS. But, this option gives you the flexibility to add the Bullhorn Automation matched candidates as a submission to the job record in your ATS as well.

What Submission Status Should They be Created With?

If Also create a Submission in Bullhorn? is checked, the status you select here will be applied to the Submission added in Bullhorn. The list of statuses is pulled from Bullhorn.

If you want to use a new submission status that isn't already in your list, add the new status in Bullhorn then contact Bullhorn Automation Support for help pulling this status intoBullhorn Automation.

Test AI Auto Match Settings

This feature allows you to select an existing Job and return matching Candidates based on the settings you've configured.

When you enter a Job, Bullhorn Automation runs the criteria search based on the current match settings, but doesn't create a match record.

A maximum of ten matches will be returned here, even if there are more matches than that. These candidates would be matched in the live automation if the selected job met the list enrollment criteria.

The following information is returned for each matched Candidate:

  • Name: Click the name to view the Candidate record in Bullhorn Automation.
  • Position: The Candidate's occupation title.
  • Location: The Candidate's city and state.
  • Match Rating

Pre-Configured Notification Step

This step allows you to include the most recent successfully matched candidates in your email notifications from a Job automation.

Adding a Match Candidates step will also automatically add a Send Notification step so you can include the most recent matched candidates in your email notifications from the automation. The notification sent from this step contains details on the Jobs that have entered the automation and the Candidates that have been matched to those Jobs. Immediate Notification is the only available option for this feature.

The merge tag %MOSTRECENTAUTOMATCHES% populates the notification with the results from the Match Candidates step. If you want to view the most recentAI Auto Match for a specific role only, send a test email using the Send Test button while in this notification step.

The %MOSTRECENTAUTOMATCHES% merge tag will only work in the pre-configured notification step following a Match Candidates step, and cannot be used in other notification templates.

Matched Candidates Card on Job Record

This is similar to the Semantic Job Match card on a Bullhorn Automation Candidate record. This card shows all of the Candidates that have been matched to the Job through a Match Candidates automation step. Jobs that have not been sent through a Match Candidate step have a Suggested Candidate Matches card, which displays the ten best Candidates based on the generic match rules.

Access a Job's Match History on the Full History Card

The Full History card on a Job record allows you to identify which Candidates were processed through a Match Candidates step, and when.

  1. In the Contacts section, select Advanced Search.
  2. Select Jobs as the record type, then search for Job ATS ID - IS - and enter the Job ID you are looking for.
    • Alternatively, you can search for a list of jobs here.

  3. Press Search, then click the Job title to open the record.

  4. To access the Full History card, select Additional Details in the bottom left corner.

  5. The Full History card tells you when the Job processed through a Match Candidates step as well as which automation the step is associated with. To see a list of Candidates that were matched through that step, click more.

Searching for Candidate Matched Submissions

The Advanced Search allows you to search your Bullhorn Automation database for the Candidate Matches that have been created through the Match Candidates step. Combine this with additional criteria to narrow down your search to the desired records.

Advanced Search Criteria:

Choose the type of Submission:

  • Bullhorn Submissions: Use this option if you checked Also create a Submission in Bullhorn? in the Automation Settings.
  • AI Auto Match Submissions: Use this option if your automation only creates a Submission in Bullhorn Automation.

To search for Submissions in Bullhorn that were created from a Candidate Match step, use the following criteria:

  • Type of Submission: Bullhorn Submissions
  • Search Condition: Submission Status + is + The status value you set for What submission status should they be created with? in the Automation Settings.


  • Type of Submission: Bullhorn Submissions
  • Search Condition: Activity: In List + Candidate Based + The list you entered in the These candidates will be added to a Bullhorn Automation list option in the Automation Settings.


  • Type of Submission: Bullhorn Submissions
  • Search Condition: Activity: Completed Automation + Job Based + Automation that included your Match Candidates step.