Resume Parsing with Textkernel: Parsing Architecture and Field Mapping

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.


This article describes how data is mapped from resumes parsed by Textkernel to Contact records in Bullhorn for Salesforce.

An Org must be upgraded to Bullhorn for Salesforce package v.3.389 or newer to take advantage of this architecture.

The following Custom Setting must be enabled for the field-mapping process described in this article to work: Setup > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties > Manage Records > Enable New Architecture.

How it Works

The Textkernel parser is designed to validate mobile/phone numbers, so the parser looks for international prefix codes/calling codes. If those are not found, the parser will look at what country is specified in the address to work out the relevant prefix/international code. The parser can also look for other identifiers (not specified by Textkernel) to determine the category of the number (mobile/home phone) if the address is invalid.

If you notice what appears to be incorrectly parsed phone numbers added to a contact record as a result of resume parsing, please contact Textkernel Support to explain how the phone numbers were extracted.

The Generic Parser

Bullhorn for Salesforce has designed a generic parser that can handle field mapping from resume to Contact record from any Search and Match provider. The Search and Match provider is identified by the Search and Match Configuration (TR1__Search_Match_Configuration__mdt) Custom Metadata Type.

When the Provider Type is Textkernel, the relevant TextkernelParser and TextkernelProvider APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. classes will be called.

The whole idea of the generic parser is to avoid the use of multiple IF clauses that have hard-coded references to the XMLClosed Used to create custom markup languages in order to display information on the Internet. We use XML when sending jobs to Indeed for syndication. Nodes names and Fields on the Contact object.

The generic parser will iterate the list of records in the CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Mapping (TR1__Candidate_Mapping__mdt) Custom Metadata Type. Each record represents a field value that needs to be stored in Bullhorn for Salesforce and will be fetched using an XPath expression. The generic parser will employ the SObject methods – put( fieldname, object ) to place the value into the respective field on the Contact record without hard-coding references.

The generic parser currently supports field mapping to the following Bullhorn for Salesforce objects: Contact, Employment History, and Education History. The Object field on the Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type record captures the name of the Object for any field included in the mapping.

Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type

To access this setting go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Candidate Mapping (TR1__Candidate_Mapping__mdt). This Custom Metadata Type will have no records after upgrading to v. 3.389 or higher for the first time. This article provides the recommended mapping configuration and will explain how to create the records and what fields should be mapped, but the specific field mapping for each Org will be decided by the System Administrator.

Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type Fields

For each field to be mapped, create a separate Custom Metatdata Type record against the Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type. The screenshot above shows what a filled in record looks like. Below is a list of the available fields and their function:

Field Name Function
Label Master Label (label can be changed)
Candidate Mapping Name Developer Name (label can be changed)
ActionClosed When used in ATS or Search and Match UI, one of multiple actions available after user has selected a sub-set of Candidates Picklist Values: Merge, Do nothing, Override
Object API name of Bullhorn for Salesforce Object: Contact, Education History, Employment History
Field API Name API Name of the Bullhorn for Salesforce object field
Default Value Value to be added automatically if a field Value is returned as NULL from parser
XPath Path to the specific node in the XML file
XML Node Node in the XML corresponding to the Contact field

Field Details

Action: This field controls the Record Update behavior. During parsing, a check happens to see if the destination field in Bullhorn for Salesforce is already populated. If it is populated, these are the options:

  • Merge: Add the new value to the existing one.
  • Do nothing: Do not update the field.
  • Override: Replace existing value with new value.
  • Conditional Override: Replace existing value with new value only if the new value is not blank.

Default Value: The value to be added if a field is returned as NULL from Textkernel (for example, you can decide to have "Unknown" as the default value in the case where a name is not parsed from a resume).

The Action and Default Value fields are not in use when the field mapping is to the Employment History or Education History Objects.

Field Mapping Examples

Below are two examples of how a Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type record is mapped from the XML record, so it is clear how data is used in this process.

Example 1


Using the above image, create a new record in Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type for Mobile:

Field Name Value
Label Mobile
Candidate Mapping Name Mobile
Action Override
Object Contact
Field API Name MobilePhone
Default Value (blank)
XPath Candidate/Personal/MobilePhones
XML Node MobilePhone


XPath: The Xpath field needs the complete Path of the Node from to the desired value. When the code will be executed for the following :
XPath / XML Node: Candidate/Personal/MobilePhones/ MobilePhone
It will get this value “+347875723446”.

Example 2

This second example to further clarifies the importance of the Xpath field. The data we want to map is the location of the Candidate’s employers.

        <JobTitle>Junior Front-end Web Developer</JobTitle>
            <EmployerRegion>ES Madrid</EmployerRegion>
Field Name Value
Label Region
Candidate Mapping Name Region
Action n.a.
Object TR1__EmploymentHistory__c
Field API Name TR1__Region__c
Default Value n.a.
XPath Address
XML Node EmployerRegion

To get the value of Region from the XML node, the following two fields are important:

XML Node: EmployerRegion

XPath: Address

The XPath field considers the complete path of the Node from that holds the desired value. When the code will be executed for the following:
EmploymentHistory / EmploymentItem / XPath / XML Node:
EmploymentHistory / EmploymentItem / Address / EmployerRegion

This value “ES Madrid” is returned. EmploymentHistory and EmploymentItem will be added in the code.

Candidate Mapping

These tables provide the recommended configuration for the Candidate Mapping Custom Metadata Type.

Contact Fields

Select “Contact” in the Object Field.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XPath XML Node Field API Name Default Value
Nationality Nationality Personal Nationality TR1__Nationality__c  
City City Personal/Address City OtherCity  
PostalCode PostalCode Personal/Address ZipCode OtherPostalCode  
Soft Skills Soft_Skills   SoftSkill TR1__Skills__c  
Professional Skills Professional_Skills   ProfessionalSkill TR1__Skills__c  
Country Country Personal/Address Country[@code] OtherCountry  
FullName FullName Personal FullName TR1__Full_Name__c  
OtherPhone OtherPhone Personal/OtherPhones OtherPhone OtherPhone  
StreetAddress StreetAddress     OtherStreet  
ESHighestEducationLevel ESHighestEducationLevel   ESHighestEducationLevel TR1__ESHighestEducationLevel__c  
Region Region Personal/Address Region[@code] OtherState  
Gender Gender Personal Gender TR1__Gender__c  
Citizenship Citizenship Personal Nationality[@code] TR1__Citizenship__c  
Languages Languages   LanguageSkill TR1__Language__c  
Email Email Personal/Emails Email Email  
HomePhone HomePhone Personal/HomePhones HomePhone HomePhone  
LastName LastName Personal LastName LastName  
HighestEducationLevel HighestEducationLevel ProfileSummary HighestEducationLevel TR1__Education__c  
CurrentPosition CurrentPosition ProfileSummary CurrentJob Title  
MobilePhone MobilePhone Personal/MobilePhones MobilePhone MobilePhone  
FirstName FirstName Personal FirstName FirstName  
Computer Skills Computer_Skills   ComputerSkill TR1__Systems_Experience__c  
DateOfBirth DateOfBirth Personal DateOfBirth TR1__Birthdate__c  
LastName DefaultValue LastName_DefaultValue     LastName UNKNOWN
Country CountryFailover Personal/Address Country[@code] TR1__OtherCountry__c  
Region RegionFailover Personal/Address Region[@code] TR1__OtherState__c  
MiddleName MiddleName Personal MiddleName TR1__Middle_Name__c  
DriversLicense DriversLicense Personal DriversLicenseEUNorm TR1__Drivers_License__c  

Below are 2 configurable Contact fields. If these values are required for your Organization, add the following field records in the Custom Metadata Type.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XPath XML Node Field API Name
Initials Initials Personal Initials Add any New/Existing Field in which you need the value
Marital Status Marital_Status Personal MaritalStatus Add any New/Existing Field in which you need the value

Education History Fields

Select “TR1__EducationHistory__c” in the Object Field.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XML Node Field API Name
Major Major Major TR1__DegreeName__c
StartDate StartDate StartDate TR1__StartDate__c
EducationLevel EducationLevel EducationLevel TR1__DegreeType__c
EndDate EndDate EndDate TR1__EndDate__c
InstituteName InstituteName InstituteName TR1__SchoolName__c

Employment History Fields

Select “TR1__EmploymentHistory__c” in the Object Field.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XML Node Field API Name
EndDate EndDate_Emp EndDate TR1__EndDate__c
EmployerCity EmployerCity EmployerCity TR1__City__c
JobDescription JobDescription JobDescription TR1__Description__c
EmployerName EmployerName EmployerName TR1__EmployerName__c
EmployerRegion EmployerRegion EmployerRegion TR1__Region__c
EmployerCountry EmployerCountry EmployerCountry TR1__Country__c
JobTitle JobTitle JobTitle TR1__Title__c
StartDate StartDate_Emp StartDate TR1__StartDate__c