Textkernel Search + Match: Candidate and Job Search User Guide

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.


Textkernel Search + Match is a search engine designed for semantic search to allow recruiters to search through resumes and Contact records in their Org to match the best candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. with the right jobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement.. Search + Match has separate tabs for three types of searches, Candidate Search, Job Search, and External Job BoardClosed A website where open jobs are advertised Search.

This article covers the layout and navigation of Search and Match as well as using the Candidate Search and Job Search functionality. For more detailed information about the External Job Board Search functionality see the Textkernel Search + Match: External Search User Guide.

Admin Note:

For configuration information see the Textkernel Search + Match: Setup and Configuration Guide.

Search & Match Access and Layout

In Orgs configured with Textkernel Search + Match, it can be accessed by clicking the Textkernel Search + Match tab.

Layout Components

  • Search Type Toggle: Use the toggle to swap between the Candidate Search and Job Search tabs.
  • Top Bar: The top area of the screen includes the search query box which has an upload button for Match! along with the Search button. Underneath the search box are breadcrumbs that can be used to refine a search query. Search Actions appear to the right of the breadcrumbs and can be used to save searches and search results as ProjectsClosed Object. Its records store details about a Job position to be filled.
  • Search Result Tabs: The tabs in the middle of the screen show the search results for all configured sources, with each source on a separate tab. Clicking any result brings up a panel with more details about that entity. ActionClosed When used in ATS or Search and Match UI, one of multiple actions available after user has selected a sub-set of Candidates buttons on each tab and detail view allow interaction with the results.
  • Facet Bar: The facet bar on the right side of the page allows the search results to be filtered on various fields and parameters.

Begin a Search

Searches can be used to find either CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. or JobsClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement., depending on which Search Type is selected. The screenshots and examples in this article focus on the Candidate Search but any major differences in behavior between the two searches are outlined.

After choosing the type of search using the Candidate Search or Job Search tab at the top of the page there are two ways to begin a search, either by entering a keyword or using the Match! feature.

Keyword Search

Textkernel uses a semantic search machine so users should build their searches as semantic searches rather than Boolean. Simple words, phrases, and complex queries can all be used. See Textkernel Search + Match: Semantic Search Query Language for more details about query structure.

Enter keyword(s) into the search box and click the blue Search button to begin a search. Auto-suggestions will populate when keywords are entered. Clicking on any of the suggestions will also perform the search.


In Candidate Search, Match! takes an external job posting or job description and finds candidates in the Org matching the job requirements. In Job Search, Match! works with a candidate resume instead to find jobs in the Org that might be a good match.

To use Match! either paste an external job post URL into the search box or click the upload button within the search box and choose a file containing a job description (or resume, for Job Search) then press the Search button.

Textkernel interprets information from the job posting (or resume, for Job Search) and creates a query to find candidates (or jobs) in the Org who are a potential match. The Match! query created by Textkernel is based on these fields:

  • Job title
  • Years of experience
  • Skills
  • Education level
  • Location
  • Full-text keywords (extracted from the record based on the context)

If any of the fields do not have a value they will not be displayed in the breadcrumbs. For example, if a Candidate does not have any skills indexed there won’t be a skills breadcrumb in the generated query.

The Match! button also appears on the search result detail view. Selecting a candidate and clicking on Match! will show the jobs in the Org the candidate is suitable for.

The Match! button can also be added directly to the Contact record page layout to start searches from a candidate's record.

Job Titles in Match! Queries

When using Match! the the jobtitle field is not a single field, but instead is the sum of several different fields. This is to ensure the query covers a large enough range of potential matches. Here’s what’s taken into account for the query:

For Candidate Match

  • Raw job titles from the last three years, taken from the employment history fields.
  • The normalized version of those job titles.
  • Job group and Job class.

A hierarchical table is used to normalize job titles, which consists of three levels: classes, groups, and codes. Each of these levels can be used in matching.

For a Job Match

  • The job title from the Job record.
  • The three normalized fields: classes, groups, and codes.

Breadcrumb labels will be different between Candidate and Job search. For example, users will see Job Title when using Match! from a Candidate (looking for a matching Job) but Recent PositionsClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. when matching from a Job (looking for a Candidate).

Refine a Search

When initial search results are returned, the search query sent to Textkernel is broken into smaller parts and displayed as breadcrumbs underneath the search bar. Users can manipulate these breadcrumbs to improve, refine, and expand the initial search.

Breadcrumb Components

  • Breadcrumb name: The left side of each breadcrumb shows the type of breadcrumb. Those generated by the keyword search are labeled Full Text.
  • Related Terms: Breadcrumbs can include related terms, synonyms, or spelling variants. The number next to the term shows how many synonyms were found.
  • Widget arrow: The arrow to the right of the text can be clicked to open the breadcrumb widget.
  • Remove button: The blue X on the far right of the breadcrumb can be clicked to remove the breadcrumb from the query. The results will be automatically updated when a breadcrumb is removed.

Breadcrumb Widget Features

The options in the breadcrumb widget vary based on the breadcrumb type. For all types, click the triangle on the right side of the breadcrumb to open the widget.

Nice to Have/Should Have/Must Have Slider

All breadcrumbs have the Nice to Have / Should Have / Must Have slider, which is used to affect the weight of that query part. Click either the widget arrow or the breadcrumb name to bring up the slider. Selecting the importance of a query part affects which candidates will be returned.

  • Nice to Have: Candidates satisfying the selections get a higher ranking than those who do not.
  • Should Have: Candidates satisfying the selections get a considerably higher ranking than those who do not.
  • Must Have: Only candidates satisfying the selections are shown.

Breadcrumbs are color coded depending on the ranking selected:

  • Nice to Have are grey.
  • Should have are white.
  • Must have are yellow.

Full Text Breadcrumbs

Full text breadcrumbs show related terms, or synonyms, that can be used to further refine a query. At the top of the terms are options to select all, none, or add a term. Users can select and deselect the terms they’d like to include in the search.

Related term selections are remembered so that any new search with the same original term (breadcrumb) will use the previously selected set of synonyms. Languages supported for related terms are English, German, Spanish, and Italian.

Location Breadcrumb

The breadcrumb generated when using a Postal Code or Radius displays a widget that allows the radius to be changed.

OR Groups

Breadcrumbs of OR query groups, displayed with a /, have an arrow on the far right of the group that can be used to choose conditions for the entire group.

Search Results Overview

When the search results are returned, a list of Candidates (or Jobs) matching the search criteria are displayed. Search results are organized into tabs with a separate tab for each source.

Search Result Tabs

The first tab shown is always the internal Org which is followed by any configured external job boards. The number next to the name of the tab shows the number of results found in each respective data source. If there are too many sources to display at once, click the arrow on the right side of the results to view all remaining tabs.

See the Textkernel Search + Match: External Search User Guide for more details about external searches.

Result Tab Layout

All results tabs are structured similarly:

  • The top right shows the total number of search results for that tab.
  • Action buttons at the top allow customized actions to be performed on selected results.
  • The list of Candidates (or Jobs) is displayed top to bottom, sorted by relevance. Each result has a checkbox so it can be selected and a relevance score displayed.
    • Users can choose to sort by Date Modified instead of Relevance.

Score Visualization

The score visualization indicates how well the candidate matches the search query. Hovering over the score icon displays an informational widget showing which query parts have been matched. The specific Textkernel scoring algorithm is proprietary so details are limited.

Expanded View

Click any Candidate (or Job) result to see the expanded view with additional details. The left side of the pane shows details about the candidate which is pulled from the candidate’s resume and Contact record. Action buttons on the right allow customized actions to be taken with that candidate.

Admin Note:

Out of the box behavior for Textkernel Search + Match permits users searching for candidates to have visibility of all records in the Org, even if the Org is using RoleClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. Hierarchy or Sharing Rules. Search Policies can be configured during implementation to limit record access, if desired.

Facet Bar

The facet bar provides an overview of the search results and allows further filtering to fine-tune the results. Within facets, the search results are categorized and sectioned and the numbers next to the facet items show how many results belong to each category. Clicking on a facet item can restrict or re-rank the results.

Facet Sections

The facet bar is divided into sections of related categories, with each section named for the type of filtering it provides. Clicking the triangle on a section expands the facet to enter in additional criteria, including a Nice to have/Should have/Must have slider. Once a facet is in use it will appear in the same section of the page as the breadcrumbs and can be interacted with the same way.

Facet Types

Fixed Facet

Fixed facets show a constant number of categories and in parenthesis the number of results belonging to each category. Selecting a category will update the query to take that selection into account.

Range Facet

Range facets display categories in range format, either numeric values or dates. Selecting a range will update the query to take that selection into account.

Location Facet

The location facet includes a text field and distance selector. Any input in the text field has to be followed by pressing Return on the keyboard then a distance can be selected. Search and Match will try to identify the entered location and if successful a selection is shown below the text field. If the location cannot be established then the facet displays all possible location options and the user can select the desired options. Changes in the distance selector will immediately update the search results.

Using UK Postal Codes:

The first half of UK postcodes represent an area while the second half point to a specific part of that larger area. For this reason, Textkernel designed the UK postcode search to work with only the first half. Users may find that when searching a full UK postcode the search returns zero result but when using partial postcodes more results are returned.

If GB is added to the beginning of the postcode that signifies it belongs to the UK then Textkernel will automatically cut the second half. For example, if GB SW1A 2AA is entered it will return the same results as entering only SW1A.

Tag Cloud Facet

Facet sections having too many different values to display will instead show a tag cloud icon. The icon allows the user to open and close the corresponding tag cloud to display all possible selections for that facet. Once an item is selected it will appear in the breadcrumb area and disappear from the tag cloud. Alternatively, users can enter a value in the text box.

Tag Clouds

Tag clouds are accessed through facets and show terms and expressions related to that facet field that are found in documents within the current set of search results. Tag clouds can be used to further refine a search query by selecting a tag cloud keyword which will issue a new query with the selection added. Keywords that occur more often in the current result set are shown with a larger font size than those keywords that appear less frequently.

Using Tag Clouds

  1. Click the desired facet section/category to expand the facet widget.
  2. Click the Tag Cloud icon to open the tag cloud display.
  3. Select a term from the tag cloud to add it to the search.
  4. The (-/+) switch in the lower right switching between including and excluding items from the search.
  5. To add a term not found in the tag cloud enter it into the text box within the facet and press Enter.
  6. Click the Close button in the upper right corner to close the tag cloud display.

Action Buttons

Search and Match offers several different action buttons to interact with the search results on an individual or group basis. These buttons bring other Bullhorn for Salesforce functionality into Search and Match so the user can move a candidate from their initial search to another step in the recruiting process..

Use the buttons on the result tab to interact with multiple candidates at once. After selecting a number of candidates, click the desired button to perform the action on all that are selected.

Use the buttons on the expanded detail view to interact with a single candidate at a time.

Admin Note:

When clicking an action button, the action page comes up in the same tab by default. The action page can be configured to open in a new tab instead using these instructions:

  1. Navigate to Setup > User Interface > Lightning App Builder.
  2. Locate Textkernel_iFrame and click Edit.
  3. In the Lightning App Builder editor click the main component in the center of the page and put a checkmark in the Actions In New Window checkbox.
  4. Click Save.

Action Buttons for Candidate Search

Add to Call List

Use this button to add Candidates to a new or existing Call List. Here’s how:

  1. Select one or more candidates from the results list.
  2. Click the Add to Call List button.
  3. Choose either Use existing or Create new.
    • For Use existing, select an existing Call List from the lookup field.
    • For Create new, enter a new Call List Name and Type.
  4. Click Add.

Add to Longlist

(Available only for ATS v1) Use this button to add Candidates to the Longlist stage. After clicking the button the user will be prompted to select a Job, then click Save.

Add to Job

Use this button to create a new ApplicationClosed First stage of Job placement flow (Application> Submittal>Interview>Offer> Placement) record for the selected Candidate(s). Users are asked to select a Job when using this button. The Job dropdown menu shows Recently Viewed jobs by default. Use the Change Filter option on the top right to choose from other Job List Views the user has access to.

Admin Note:

The following configuration is required for the Change Filter link to work:

  1. Switch to Classic View.
  2. Navigate to the TKClosed An abbreviation for Textkernel Search + Match tab.
  3. Copy the Host from the address bar.
  4. Navigate to Setup > Remote Site Settings.
  5. Create a new entry with the copied URL.
  6. Click Save.

Send Email

Use this button to send an email to the selected Candidate(s). Users will be able to select an email template or enter a free-text message.

Save to Project

This button allows selected Candidates to be saved to a Search + Match project for later use. See the Projects section for more details.

Compare Candidates

(This button is only available on the Result Tab view.) The Compare Candidates button allows users to easily compare multiple candidates from search results and highlights which portion(s) of the query each Candidate has matched.

Select the desired Candidates using the checkbox next to their name then click the button to bring up the comparison view. From within this tabular view the other action buttons are available at the bottom of the page. Candidate columns can be dragged-and-dropped to be reordered.

Some fields can have content that is too long to fit into their containers. Fields that have been shortened are indicated by an ellipsis. Hovering over the field will display the full, non-truncated content.


(This button is only available on the Expanded Detail View.) Clicking the Match! button will show the jobs in the Org the candidate is a suitable match for.

View CV

(This button is only available on the expanded detail view.) The View CV button opens a plain text version of the candidate’s resume.

Open Record

(This button is only available on the expanded detail view.) Clicking the Open Record button will bring the user to the candidate’s full Contact record.

Action Buttons for Job Search

Apply to Job

Use this button to create a new Application record for the selected Job. Users are asked to select an ApplicantClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. when using this button.

Send Email

Use this button to send an email to Users or Candidates. Users will be able to select an email template or enter a free-text message.

Export to Excel

After selecting the desired Jobs, click the Export to Excel button to export details about the Jobs as .csv files that can be opened in Excel.

Compare Jobs

(This button is only available on the Result Tab view.) The Compare Jobs button allows users to easily compare multiple Jobs from the search results and highlights which portion(s) of the query each Job has matched.

See the Compare Candidates section for more details and screenshots.

Save to Project

This button allows selected Jobs to be saved to a Search + Match project for later use. See the Projects section for more details.


(This button is only available on the Expanded Detail View.) Clicking the Match! button will show the candidates in the Org that are a suitable match for the Job.

Open Job

(This button is only available on the expanded detail view.) Clicking the Open Job button will bring the user to the ATS view for the selected Job.

View Job

(This button is only available on the expanded detail view.) Clicking the View Job button will display a plain text description for the selected Job.


Search and Match uses Projects to save searches and search results for later use. Projects are personal to each user but can be shared with other users to aid collaboration.

Save Searches and Results

Save a Search

  1. Perform a search and then click the Save Search button in the top bar, to the right of the breadcrumbs.
  2. On the Save Search pop up, select between Save to new project or Save to existing project.
  3. Enter a Project and Search name.
  4. Click Save.

Save Search Results

  1. To save a single result click the star icon on the right hand side of the result. The star will be filled to indicate a successful save. To save multiple results, select each result using the checkbox and click the Save to Project button.
  2. If there is no active project at the moment of saving, a pop up window will appear. Select a new or existing project and enter a Project name.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Search results can be removed by clicking the star icon again.

Project Management

Projects can contain multiple saved searches and multiple saved results. Click the Projects button below the top bar to view the main Projects screen where you can take multiple project-specific actions. Projects are displayed in a list with the title of each project in the header above the Results and Searches items for that project. Users can switch between My projects and Shared projects.

Project Actions

Sort Projects: By default projects are sorted by Recent first. Click the dropdown in the upper right corner of the projects screen to choose another sort option.

View Saved Search: To launch a saved search, click the name of the desired search in the Searches list under the corresponding project.

View Saved Result: To view the list of saved results for a given project, click the Results selection link under the project header.

Add a New Project: Click the New project button to add a new project.

Delete a Project: Click the Trash Can icon on the right side of the project header to delete an entire project. To delete individual searches from a project, choose the trash can icon next to the search link instead.

Rename a Project: Click the Edit icon in the project header to enter a new project name. To save the entry, press Return.

Share a Project: Click the Share icon to share a project. The user will need to select a user or role to share with, then press Save. Users can view their shared projects using the Shared projects tab in the main projects window.

Email Alerts

If email alerts are enabled, additional fields will be displayed for scheduling an email alert. These fields allow selection of email frequency (never, daily, weekly, monthly), desired recipients, and an option to send an alert even if no new matches have been found in the selected period. Recipients can be entered manually by entering comma-separated email addresses or by selecting users or rolesClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. from the drop down menu. Email frequency is as follows:

  • Daily emails are sent every morning at 06:00 and include new results that have been indexed within the last day.
  • Weekly emails are sent every Monday morning at 06:00 and include results that have been indexed within the last week.
  • Monthly emails are sent on the first day of the month at 06:00 and include new results that have been indexed in the last month.

Filter Search by Projects

It is possible to filter search results by Projects using the Tags facet. Like other search criteria, projects can be classified as nice to have, should have, and must have.