Admin Roles Overview


This article contains information on the various options available when creating or editing an Admin Role.


  1. From the Home screen, select Maintenance > Administration.
  2. Choose Roles.
  3. Select an existing Role Name to edit that role or select New Role to create a new one.
  4. Make adjustments to the roles as necessary. Select Save Role Info to confirm you changes.

Role Breakdown

The below table breaks down the options available for each of the role settings.


Setting Options Description
Password expires after X days Users password expires based on X amount of days since last login.
Auto-deactivate after 30-120 days Users will automatically be deactivated based on the number of days you designate.
Show Last 4 SSN No Yes If yes, SSN will show based on role setting.
View Pay Dollars No Yes Can restrict a role or user to only view employee pay dollars and view bill dollars.
View Bill Dollars No Yes Can restrict a role or user to only view employee bill dollars and view bill dollars.

Employee Maintenance

Setting Options Description
No, View Only, Edit and Add, Edit only Check box
  • No: Cannot perform any employee maintenance.
  • View Only: User can view dashboard, time cards, profiles, etc.
  • Edit/Add: Edit time cards (disputes).
  • Edit Only: Can only edit time cards with approval.
Site/Dept Changes Only with New Add Check box This gives the user the ability go change an employee's primary site and departments they are assigned to via the sites/depts tab in the employee's profile.
Include Rates Check box If enabled, the employee's rates are calculated based off the bill and pay rate. This can be turned off for certain users.
Change PIN Check box Gives users the ability to update employee PINs from their profiles in Bullhorn Time & Expense.
Salary Allocation No Yes Depends on if one of your roles requires this function.


Setting Options Description
Close Group Via Web No Yes
  • No: User cannot close out a pay period in Bullhorn Time & Expense using the "Close group" button at the end of each period (which generates the pay files).
  • Yes: Users can close the pay period and generate their client's pay file by clicking the "Close group" button.
Close Site Via Web No Yes N/A
Setting Options Description
Client Approval/Dispute No Yes
  • No: Client cannot approve or dispute an employee's time.
  • Yes: Client can approve and dispute time entered by an employee.
Resolve Disputes No Yes
  • No: Client cannot resolve an employee's time.
  • Yes: Client can resolve an employee's time.