Rapid Time Entry


Bullhorn clients often need to enter hours, units, or dollars on behalf of candidates. Rapid Time Entry replaces the more cumbersome Group Timesheets for faster enablement and entry of transactions. To enable Rapid Time Entry, please contact Support.

Configuring Rapid Time Entry

  1. Open the Web Time Entry Group and navigate to the Unsubmitted Time tab.
  2. Select Configure Rapid Time.
  3. Complete the following: 
    • Hours per Day
    • Hours per Week  
      •  When selected, the option for Load Transactions to Last Active Weekday appears. When Load Transaction to Last Active Weekday is selected, entries made for the week will be loaded to the last active weekday for the respective assignments instead of being distributed throughout each weekday.
    • In/Outs
    • Auto Approve
      • When selected, entries are auto-approved after submission within the application.
  4. Click Submit.

Using Rapid Time Entry

  1. Open the Web Time Entry Group and navigate to the Unsubmitted Time tab.
  2. Select Access Rapid Time Entry.
    • Rapid Time Entry will automatically open to the week ending that was selected on the Dashboard screen when the application was loaded.
  3. To access previous weeks, navigate to the Dashboard.
  4. Select Full for the correct week.

The configuration set on the Time Management Console will determine if the view is In/out, Hours per Day, or Weekly timesheets.

  • For Bullhorn rate card clients, the earn codes available for entry on each placement are based on the codes within the placement rate card.
  • For non-Bullhorn clients, the adjustment codes available for entry are based on the Bullhorn Time & Expense (BTE) adjustment code setting Allow Employee Entry.

In/Out Entry

  1. On the Rapid Time Entry page, click on a daily cell.
  2. Select an earn code from the Adjustment drop-down.
  3. Enter the time for the selected day.
    • Additional rows can be added by clicking the green arrow within the daily cell.
    • Entries can be copied to the next day or copied through Friday.
  4. Click Save or Submit All For Approval.

Hours per Day Entry

  1. On the Rapid Time Entry page, click on a daily cell.
  2. Select an earn code from the drop-down.
  3. Enter the total time for the selected day.
    • Additional rows can be added by clicking the green arrow within the daily cell.
    • Entries can be copied to the next day or copied through Friday.
  4. Click Save or Submit All For Approval.

Hours per Week Entry

  1. On the Rapid Time Entry page, click on a daily cell.
  2. Select an earn code from the drop-down.
  3. Enter the hours In the Quantity column.
    • Additional rows can be added by clicking the green arrow within the Actions column.
  4. Click Save or Submit All For Approval.
  • Submitted entries are distributed on five separate days and put on the Time Card.
  • Assignments that are only active part of the week will have the entries distributed on the active dates.
  • Entries are loaded to the last active weekday when the configuration Last Active Weekday is enabled.
  • Copy to Selected Rows allows copying of hours.
    • For Bullhorn clients this row finds the earn code set as prioritize for time entry and allows the hours' entry to be made and copied to placements containing the same earn code on the rate card.
    • If the earn code does not exist on the placement rate card, the hours are not copied, and any entries for that placement should be made manually along with any units or dollar entries.