Using the Bullhorn Time & Expense Community


The Bullhorn Time & Expense Community provides access to all of our help and support articles, and for some users, access to support tickets. This article covers how users can access the community and how to make use of the features available there.

Accessing the Community

Log In

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Log in in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. Click the Log In button.

If you forgot your username or need a community account please contact your administrator or Bullhorn Time & Expense Support.

Reset Your Password

  1. Click Log in in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Forgot Your Password?.
  3. Enter your username and click Continue.
  4. Follow the instructions sent to your email address.

Using the Community

Search for Content

Use the category buttons on the home page to browse articles or enter your search terms in the Search Bullhorn Time and Expense Articles box and press the enter key on your keyboard.

Contact Support

Only designated Account or Support contacts are able to create and edit tickets in the Community. If you are interested in this feature please talk to your administrator or Bullhorn Time & Expense Support.

Open a New Ticket

  1. From within the Bullhorn Time & Expense Community, click Contact Support in the navigation bar.
    • If you are not logged in, click Log in in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Select the Submit A New Ticket button.
  3. Fill out the required fields, upload any helpful files, and click Submit to send your ticket to support.

When submitting a ticket, please provide Bullhorn Support with as much information as possible. The more details you provide, the faster we can help you. Ideally, provide an example of the issue, steps required to reproduce the issue, information about the frequency of the issue, and the severity of the issue.

View Your Existing Tickets

  1. Click Contact Support in the navigation bar.
    • If you are not logged in, click Log in in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. A list of all tickets will display. Toggle between All Open Tickets and All Closed Tickets.
  3. To view more ticket details click any ticket number.
  4. To return to the list of all tickets, click Back to my Ticket List at the top of the window.

Add Information to a Ticket

  1. Follow the steps to View Your Existing Tickets.
  2. Click in the comment box and enter additional information. You can also attach files and screenshots using the paperclip icon.
  3. Once you’ve finished adding information, click the Comment button.

Close a Ticket

  1. Follow the steps to View Your Existing Tickets.
  2. Click on the comment box and leave a comment to state why you’re closing the ticket.
  3. Select the Close Ticket button.
    • If a ticket was recently closed but you determine it is unresolved you may click the Re-Open Ticket button to get back in touch with support.

Order a Clock

Only designated Account or Support contacts can create new clock orders. If you're interested in this feature please talk to your administrator or Bullhorn Time & Expense Support.

  1. From within the Bullhorn Time & Expense Community, click Contact Support in the navigation bar.
    • if you are not logged in, click Log in in the upper right corner and user your Bullhorn Time & Expense credentials.
  2. Click Go To Orders.
  3. Click Create A New Order.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete your clock order.