Approvers: Your Profile

If you are set up as a time approver in Bullhorn Time & Expense, you will be emailed a link to the Approval Application. Within the application, under Your Profile, you can update your language preference and your approval confirmation preference. If you both approve time and enter hours, you can select your Time Entry Preference here as well.

Some options on this screen may not apply to all approvers.

  1. Click Your Profile in the top menu bar.
  2. The following settings are available to customize:
    • Personal Information
      • Preferred Language: Use the drop down to select your preferred language.
    • Time Entry Preferences
      • Enter Time As: Indicate if you want to use Decimals or Minutes and Military or Standard time.
      • Starting Number of Rows: Enter the default number of starting rows for your time entry.
      • Hide Save Notifications Checkbox: Check this box to hide save notifications.
      • Hide Approval Confirmations Checkbox: Check this box to hide confirmation emails.
  3. Click Save to submit your changes.