Job Rate Card Markup % and Markup Value Calculations

Markup is a term used by staffing agencies to describe the fees charged over and above wages paid to a contract or temporary employee.

Please note:

  • Markup will be calculated or used in calculations for regular, overtime, and double time rates.

  • Markup value is always calculated and never a determining factor in calculations, i.e. the user is not able to enter markup value to calculate pay or bill rate.

The Job rate card markup calculations account for the following three customer use cases or scenarios.

Calculating Markup % and Markup Value Based on Pay and Bill Rates

Enter the pay rate and the bill rate on the rate card line and the system will automatically calculate the markup % and markup value based on the following formula:

Markup % = (Bill Rate - Pay Rate)/Pay Rate

Markup Value = Bill Rate - Pay Rate

Calculating Bill Rate and Markup Value Based on Pay Rate and Markup %

Enter the pay rate and markup % on the rate card line and the system will automatically calculate the bill rate and markup value based on the following formula:

Bill Rate = Pay Rate * (1 + Markup % )

Markup Value = Bill Rate - Pay Rate

Calculating Pay Rate and Markup Value Based on Bill Rate and Markup %

Enter the bill rate and markup % on the rate card line and the system will automatically calculate the bill rate and markup value based on the following formula:

Bill Rate = Pay Rate * (1 + Markup % )

Markup Value = Bill Rate - Pay Rate