Release 2022.11

2022.11 Release Dates

  • Fast Ring - from October 13th
  • General Availability Ring - From October 31st

2022.11 Highlights

We’re making it easier for you to refresh Data Privacy consent, or inform People of your data privacy policies with the addition of a new “Data Privacy Requested By” column. With this new column in all People lists, you can see which User last requested consent or informed a person with the data privacy feature. Making it easy for the same User to request consent/inform again and maintain their personal contact.

As a sidenote, this column will be populated with historic data via a database upgrade which will coincide with this release but may follow slightly after the release dates above.

A key fix to highlight, you’ll see a reduction in the number of notifications when interacting with Off-Limits people in locations like the Assignment>Candidates list.


  • New “Data Privacy Requested by" column
    • View in People lists which User last requested Consent or Informed a Person
    • This column will show historic data after next Database release (ETA end of October)


We're focused on delivering an incredible customer experience, and each month prioritize fixes to your issues logged with support.


User Look-ups in Web don’t exclude disabled users


  • Via some workflows Users are able to save Global Views without the 'Create & Modify Global Views' permission
  • Off Limits Warning prompts displayed each time you click between editable fields in the same row. - Invenias will only display a prompt once per Person
  • Clicking Cancel on Create New position still creates the position