Using Invenias AI Assistant (Formerly Copilot) on a Person Record

This article explains how to use Invenias AI Assistant (formerly Copilot) on a Person record.

Invenias AI Assistant integrates with OpenAI or Azure OpenAI and can be used to create correspondence by automatically pulling information from the Person record. You can use this to summarize a profile, generate email messages, and much more with the click of a button.

For steps to enable Invenias AI Assistant, see Enabling Invenias AI Assistant (Formerly Copilot).

Invenias AI Assistant (formerly Copilot) is an optional feature. To request this feature for your Invenias database, please reach out to your Invenias Account Manager.

How does Invenias AI Assistant Work?

  1. From the AI Assistant window on a Person record, you can select a preset prompt or enter a custom prompt using the Ask Me Anything button.
  2. In the background, Invenias engineers a prompt to return the desired outcome and pushes that prompt to your connected Large Language Model (LLM).
  3. In a matter of seconds, the LLM returns the output directly to the AI Assistant window.
  4. Once your output is returned, you can ask AI Assistant to refine the text until you have the desired results.

Invenias AI Assistant supports enhanced text formatting, including:

  • Bold, italic, and headings
  • Hyperlinks and images
  • Ordered and unordered lists
  • Horizontal rules, code blocks, and block quotes

Using AI Assistant on a Person Record

  1. Open a Person record and click the AI Assistant button in the top right to open the AI Assistant window.

    • While the AI Assistant window is open, you can still access any other tab on the Person record without needing to close the window.
  2. Select one of the preset prompt buttons, or click Ask Me Anything to enter a custom prompt.

  3. After sending your prompt, the window will update to reveal AI Assistant’s response.
  4. To refine the response, type your request into the text box and press Enter. Examples of actions you can request include:
    • Increasing or shortening the word count
    • Adjusting the tone to match your preferred writing style
    • Translating from English to another language

  5. Once you are happy with the response, you can copy it by clicking the Copy icon under the message, then paste it into an email.
    • If you want to start again from scratch with a new prompt, click Start Over in the top right corner of the AI Assistant window.

Ask Me Anything

If you need something else not included in the default prompt buttons, click Ask Me Anything to create your own prompts. Here are some tips for writing an effective prompt:

  • Start with an action word ("create", "write", etc.)
  • Provide context about what is requested.
  • Use a reference (in Invenias AI Assistant this is the person’s name).
  • Be specific.

"Create an Email to request an updated resume from {insert person’s name here}."

Data Sources

AI Assistant uses the following data sources to generate prompts:

  • CV/Resume: The information in the person’s CV/Resume pane (not the attached Document marked "CV"/"Resume")
  • My Details: Your name, job title, and company name, as listed on your Invenias user profile. This is used to create a signature/footer in email prompts.

When using one of the preset prompt buttons, the required data sources will automatically be selected. When using the Ask Me Anything option to create your own prompt, you’ll need to select the data sources you wish to include.

To do this:

  1. Click into the Additional: field and select the data source to include.
    • Once added, you can remove a data source by clicking the X icon.

  2. Click the Refresh icon to resend your prompt with the additional data source(s) included.