
Product Champion

Once live with VMS Sync, establish which internal user(s) will serve as your product champion(s). A product champion is someone who is very familiar with your ATS Job requirements and VMS integrations, and is empowered to make decisions on behalf of your company.

The most successful VMS Sync users establish product champions to troubleshoot issues, maintain configurations, and contact Support with speed and accuracy.

It's recommended to establish both a primary and backup product champion to proactively account for any internal changes (role shifts, vacation coverage, etc).

Daily Routine

The most successful product champions establish a daily routine to proactively identify changes or identify issues.

A typical daily routine may include:

Additional maintenance is recommended quarterly:

  • Reviewing your Rules to identify opportunities to update logic
    • VMS Sync Support can provide you with a full Rule export.
  • Reviewing your User List to ensure the right employees have Admin Tools access