Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas) Look and Feel Updates

This article goes over the changes to Bullhorn Reporting look and feel with the update from v10 to v11. There is no loss of functionality with the update. New features include resizable, pinnable panels and a quick search when adding new objects.

Changes to the Taskbar

The taskbar at the top has a new, simplified look in v11. Icons have replaced the words in the taskbar and most functions have been moved down to a new toolbar.

The taskbar in v10 contained more text:

The new taskbar in v11 is streamlined to include save options, undo, redo, and run options:

Changes to the Toolbar

The toolbar is also streamlined in v11 and focuses on contextual actions, displaying the most frequently used icons for the function you’re currently working on. The functions are condensed by hiding additional, less frequently used options within drop-down menus. To see the name of a particular icon, hover your mouse over the button and the name will appear.

The toolbar in v10:

The streamlined toolbar in v11:

The v11 toolbar with an icon name displayed:

Changes to the Object and Properties Panels

The Object Insert panel and Properties panel have both been updated for v11. Both panels can be resized as well as pinned to customize your experience. To provide more room for both panels, the Properties panel has been moved to the right hand side of the window.

The new quick search feature allows you to rapidly find the object you’re looking for rather than scrolling through a long list of options. Additionally, the Object Insert panel now has icons in place of the tab labels.

The Object Insert and Properties panels in v10:

The Object Insert and Properties panels in v11:

Changes to the Layout and Page Navigation

The layout has been updated to have a slimmer panel in the middle to accommodate shifting the Properties panel to the right hand side. The page navigation has also shifted, moving up between the taskbar and the toolbar to display breadcrumbs, rather than displaying it sideways along the Object Insert panel.

Page navigation in v10 along the Object Insert panel:

New page navigation breadcrumbs above the toolbar in v11: