Job Contact Popover Field Support

Supported Objects

Below is a list of supported Objects in the Related Lists section of the popover.

  • Custom Objects: All custom objects managed by TR1 package
  • Custom Unmanaged Objects: All custom unmanaged objects
  • Standard Object: Cases, Opportunities, AccountsClosed A business entity/company, ContentVersions
    • Case Fields: CaseNumber, BusinessHoursId, Origin, Reason, IsClosed, IsClosedOnCreate, ClosedDate, CreatedDate, IsEscalated, OwnerId, ParentId, Priority, Status, Subject, Type, SuppliedCompany, SuppliedEmail, SuppliedName, Name, CreatedById, LastModifiedById, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate
    • OpportunityClosed Potential sales to new or established customers. Fields : Name, Amount, CloseDate, IsClosed, CreatedDate, ExpectedRevenue, Fiscal, FiscalQuarter, FiscalYear, CreatedById, LastModifiedById, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, ForecastCategory, LastActivityDate, LeadSource, NextStep, Probability, TotalOpportunityQuantity, StageName, Type, IsWon
    • Account Fields: Name, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress, Phone, AccountNumber, Site, AccountSource, Type, CleanStatus, CreatedDate, NumberOfEmployees, Fax, Industry, LastActivityDate, Ownership, ParentId, Rating, Sic, AssetId, TickerSymbol, Tradestyle, Type, Website, YearStarted
    • Content Version Fields: Title, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, FileExtension, ContentSize, OwnerId


Standard Fields

The following standard field is not supported:

  • Last Modified by Alias

Objects in Related Lists Section

The following Objects in the Related Lists Section of the popover are not supported:

  • Notes & Attachments
  • Open Activities
  • Activity History
  • Files
  • Other standard object related lists
    • Unsupported standard object related lists are those which are not listed in Object manager and do not have direct relations to the Contact Object.
      • For example, Attachment has Parent Id which is generic for many object types, therefore is not supported.

Parent relation fields are not supported for any type of Objects except Name or Id fields.

Next Steps

To continue to the Job Contact Popover setup, see Admin: Job Contact Popover Setup.