Billable Charge Workflow


This article covers the billable charge statuses that allows Billing Specialists to see, at a glance, the state of that charge. Bullhorn Invoicing calculates the Billable Charge Status based on the state of its associated Bill Master transactions. Bullhorn Invoicing users monitor the status of their charges and take action using the Billable Charges list.

The status may change at any point in the workflow when a user:

  • Edits a transaction within the Billable Charge.
  • Adds a new transaction to the Billable Charge.
  • Sends a Billable Charge for invoicing.
  • Delete an Invoice Statement related to the Billable Charge.
  • Finalizes an Invoice Statement related to the Billable Charge.
  • Credits an Invoice Statement related to the Billable Charge.
  • Credits and Reinstates an Invoice Statement related to the Billable Charge.

It also changes when Bullhorn Invoicing receives transactions from Bullhorn Time & Expense.

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate action entitlements in order to create or edit Billing Charges version. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.

Billable Charge Status Workflow

The Billable Charge Status Workflow illustrates how the status changes as the charge progresses through the Middle Office.

Default Workflow

The default workflow path is the flow where no exceptions or errors occur. In the Billable Charges workflow, a Billable Charge starts as either "Not Ready to Bill" or "Ready to Bill" and proceeds linearly to "Invoiced."

When Bullhorn Invoicing receives timesheet transactions from Bullhorn Time & Expense, Billing Sync evaluates the transactions and sets the initial Billable Charge Status:

  • "Not Ready to Bill" indicates that not all transactions within the Billable Charge were approved in Bullhorn Time & Expense.
  • "Ready to Bill" indicates that all transactions within the Billable Charge were approved in Bullhorn Time & Expense and the transactions are not on an invoice.
    • "Not Ready to Bill" charges become "Ready to Bill" when Middle Office receives updated - and approved - transactions. By default, the Middle Office sets the transaction status for manually-entered Billable Charges to Ready to Bill.
  • "Ready to Bill" charges move to Processing when the user creates an invoice for the Billable Charge (via Actions > Create Invoice on the Billable Charge List).
    • This means the transactions are part of a batch but not yet on an invoice. Usually, it takes seconds for the Billable Charge to move through "Processing" to "Invoicing."
  • "Invoicing" means that all the transactions with the Billable Charge are on an invoice and that the invoice is in any state other than Finalized. When the user finalizes an Invoice Statement, the Billable Charge Status changes to "Invoiced."

Alternate Workflow

Alternate Workflow paths occur when a system or user action moves the Billable Charge default workflow to another state.

Needs Review

  • If timecard transaction update(s) arrive from Bullhorn Time & Expense for a Billable Charge that has at least one transaction marked "Unbillable," the Middle Office sets the Billable Charge Status to "Needs Review."

Ready to Bill

  • Billable Charges in "Invoicing" status become "Ready to Bill" when a user deletes an Invoice Statement prior to finalization.
    • This action also causes the Middle Office to make the original transactions "Ready to Bill."
  • Billable Charges in "Needs Review" status become "Ready to Bill" when a user marks them as ready to bill.


  • Billable Charges in "Invoiced" status become "Unbillable" when a user Credits a Finalized Invoice Statement.
  • Billable Charges in "Invoiced" status become "Unbillable" when a user Credit & Reinstates a Finalized Invoice Statement.
    • This action also causes the Middle Office to make the original transactions "Ready to Bill."
  • Billable Charges in "Not Ready to Bill," "Ready to Bill," and "Needs Review" status become "Unbillable" when a user marks them unbillable (via Actions > Mark Unbillable).

Note: Users with the Add Invoice Statement entitlement combined with any Billable Charge entitlement may create an invoice from Billable Charges.

Users with the Mark Billable Charge Ready entitlement may mark a Billable Charge "Ready," if it meets preconditions.

Users with the Mark Billable Charge Unbillable entitlement may mark a Billable Charge "Unbillable," if it meets preconditions.

Users with the Add, Edit, and/or View Billable Charge entitlements may add, edit, and/or view a Billable Charge, if it meets preconditions.

These instructions refer to the default terms related to finalizing an invoice. During configuration, clients may change the values.