Adding Billable Charges
Billing Specialists may want to create Billable Charges manually for a number of reasons:
- Invoicing a one-off item that's not in .
- Billing an expense report, permanent placement, or supplemental charge, such as a drug screen.
- Creating an invoice without a preceding billable charge.
Follow the steps below to manually create a billable charge. Note that the following instructions refer to the default terms and fields available for Billable Charges and may vary from how your system was configured. Entitled users may change field labels and sort order in Field Maps using the Billable Charge entity.
- Navigate to the Billable Charges list.
- Select Add Billing Charge to open the Add Billable Charge slideout.
- Complete the following sections. Note that Billable Charges inherit many of their field values from the associated Billing Profiles, Invoice Terms, Job Codes, and Locations. However, the following sections and fields will need to be filled out for this process.
- Candidate and Billing Information: The following fields relate to the candidate and billing information.
- Description of Charge: User-specified text description.
- Period End Date: The End Date for transactions included in the Billable Charge.
- Placement: The Placement associated with the Billable Charge. Active Placements are displayed as options.
- Billing Profile: The Billing Profile associated with the Billable Charge. Active Billing Profiles associated with the Client Corporation Placements are displayed as options.
- Account Ownership: Up to 5 general segment entities for Billable Charges and Placements are supported. During configuration, clients determine if they need Accounting Ownership field(s) and the label(s) and drop-down values.
When creating a new Billable Charge:
- The Accounting Ownership fields default to the Accounting Ownership Placement fields.
- You can override one or more of the Accounting Ownership fields associated with the Placement.
- You can enter Accounting Ownership fields directly on the Billable Charge (bypassing Placement selection).
- Class: Class is the default label for the generalLedgerSegment1ID
- Country: Country is the default label for the generalLedgerSegment4ID.
- Department: Department is the default label for the generalLedgerSegment3ID.
- Division: Division is the default label for the generalLedgerSegment2ID.
- Location: Location is the default label for the generalLedgerSegment5ID.
- Attachments: You can upload one or more attachments to a Billable Charge. Attachments must be in an accepted file format and no larger than 10 MB. (The Billable Charge slideout displays the latest supported attachment file formats.)
- When an attachment is saved, a unique identifier is automatically assigned. As a result, users may upload multiple files with the same name.
- Ready to Bill Override: Select Yes to mark the charge as Ready to Bill.
- Bill Transactions: Fill out the following fields to add the Billing Transaction. Select Add Bill Transaction to add an additional line.
- Date: The date the transaction occurred.
- Earn Code: Earn Codes are used for classifying monetary transactions that occur as a result of placing candidates on assignments. They are setup at the corporation level and active Earn Codes are eligible for assignment to a transaction.
- Customer Required Fields: Customer Required Fields (CRFs) are used to track custom data points against time worked and use those data points to manage invoice presentation. Choose the appropriate CRF for your Billable Charge using the prepopulated list.
- Expense Earn Codes are not supported through manual Billable Charge creation.
- The Billable Charge must have an associated Placement to use this CRF field.
- You must have CRFs enabled to use this field. See Enabling Customer Required Fields for more information.
- Quantity: The transaction quantity for the Unit of Measure.
- Unit: The standard of measurement applied to the transaction.
- Bill Rate: The rate per Unit of Measure.
- Amount: The amount of the transaction is automatically calculated.
- Amount = Quantity * Rate
- ATS rounds calculated values based on the decimals defined in the minorUnits table for the invoice currency.
- For example, it rounds USD to 2 decimals:
- 210.675 rounds to 210.68
- 210.674 rounds to 210.67
- For example, it rounds USD to 2 decimals:
- Candidate and Billing Information: The following fields relate to the candidate and billing information.
- Click Save.
You must have the appropriate action entitlements in order to add Billable Charges. If you are unable to complete the steps above, contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.
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