Feedback & Likes


Feedback & Likes allows you to document your opinion on a person. You could use a piece of feedback to describe an opinion on a candidate following an Interview specific to an assignment, or as a general piece of feedback following meeting a candidate for the first time or from viewing their online profile/CV.

You can use a social style "Like" as a single-click method of adding a positive opinion about a person. These can be useful to team and client users when browsing a list of candidates to see how many "Likes" they have received and to see who has left a Like.

Both feedback and likes can be added by Invenias users (team) or external people (clients) using the Invenias Client application. Invenias users can also record feedback on behalf of other team or client users.

In This Article

Adding Feedback

You can add feedback from the following locations:

Invenias Pane

Click the Feedback Icon in the Invenias Summary Pane:

This also displays a count of the total number of feedback for this person.

People List Views

Right-click on any person in the people list and select Feedback.

Person Record Toolbar

Feedback Action

Clicking to add feedback from any of the above locations will open the Feedback action.

You can change the FROM field to select another team user or client person:

This piece of Feedback can be saved to the journal of any company, assignment, or programme as with any other journal action:

If you open the feedback action by selecting a candidate in an assignment, the assignment will automatically pre-populate here.

The Actions field allows you to link the feedback to an existing journal action, such as an interview or a meeting.

For a more detailed explanation, check out Actions & Journal.

Enter the content of the feedback in the large text box on the right of the feedback action.

In this example, this Company is using Invenias Client and the feedback action displays an additional option of switching the feedback between Published and Unpublished states.

Published feedback is visible to clients using Invenias Client, provided the feedback is linked to a candidate on a published assignment.

Unpublished feedback is not visible to clients using Invenias Client.

Viewing Feedback and Adding Comments

The Feedback Panel (accessible from within a person record or all people lists) allows you to easily view all feedback and comments for a person:

Each piece of feedback is displayed in chronological order, with the most recent first. The person leaving the feedback is shown along with the assignment name for any feedback relating to an assignment.

For companies also using the Invenias Client Application, the published state of the feedback is shown as either PUBLISHED or UNPUBLISHED.  Unpublished feedback is displayed using the yellow highlight to make this more prominent in the grid.

You can filter between showing all filters or feedback for a specific assignment only using the filter shown below:

You can also filter between feedback left by team users and client feedback using this filter:

You can add comments against existing feedback using the Add Comment section under each feedback item:

For companies also using the Invenias Client Application, there are options to set the published state of comments on feedback. When an Invenias User adds a comment to unpublished feedback, you can only add comments in the unpublished state. If the feedback is already published, you can choose to add them in either published or unpublished state.

In addition to viewing feedback in the feedback panel, feedback can also be viewed in the Journal tab of any record that feedback has been saved to and in the Global Journal List View.

Editing Feedback and Comments

You can always edit your own feedback. You can only edit feedback and comments from other users if you have the correct user permissions. Permissions include the following:

  • Edit and Delete Team Feedback and Scoring: This permission allows you to edit and delete feedback and comments left by other team users.
  • Edit and Delete Client Feedback and Scoring: This permission allows you to edit and delete feedback and comments left by other client users.

Based on these rules, an edit button may be visible in the Feedback pane. Click Edit on this feedback to reveal the text editor and Delete button and to toggle between published and unpublished states.

The same process is used for editing Comments.

You can also open and edit feedback directly from the Journal; the rules described above still apply.

Searching on Feedback

Feedback can be searched using structured search using a typical query shown below:

This query will produce a list of all people with feedback saved against them containing the word "Outstanding".

It can also be searched using the Journal Search section:

This search will include all journal items.

Adding a Like and Viewing Likes

A User can easily add or remove a like and view likes from other users in the following locations:

Invenias Pane in Outlook

Click the Like icon to add or remove a like for this person. This also displays the total number of likes for this person from all users.

Person Record

Click the Like icon in the Record toolbar as shown below to add or remove a like for this person:

Insight Pane

You can also add or remove likes via the Feedback Pane from within a person record:

The Likes section of the feedback panel displays a count of all likes from all users and also displays the profile pictures of the users who have left a like.

The filter on the right allows a user to filter by likes from team users and client users.

List View

The feedback panel is also accessible from people list views where you can add or remove a like.

Likes can be added or removed from the context menu of people list views. You can access the context menu by right-clicking on a person in the list view. You can then select to add a like for this person.

You can also add the following columns to the display view:

  • Total Client Feedback
  • Total Client Likes
  • Total Team Feedback
  • Total Team Likes

Configuring Feedback & Likes

To access System Preferences, you need the Access System Preferences permission.

You can enable and configure feedback and likes through the Insight page within System Preferences. Do the following:

  1. Click on the Invenias tab in Outlook, click Options then System Preferences.
  2. Check the two boxes to Enable Feedback and Likes.
    • Note that Feedback and Likes can be enabled independently of each other.

Once system preferences are saved, the features will be enabled for all users at your company.