Identifying Contract Candidates


This article contains tips you can use to uncover candidates who are open to contract opportunities.

Job Type Filters

You can use the Job Type filters alongside your search to narrow down your search and help to find part-time and contract candidates.

When Building a Search

When in the build page, select the appropriate filters under Job Type on the right side, then click either Search Candidates or Search Leads.

Temporary, Part-time and Full-time are only available for searching candidates. For leads, please only use Permanent or Contract.

From your Results

To find candidates who are seeking contract or part-time work, expand the Job Type filter on the left side. Here you'll have the option to filter your results to show candidates looking for Contract, Part-time and Temporary employment.

Select the criteria you're looking for, then click Update Results.

Selecting these filters will only bring up candidates who have specified these options when setting up their profile on the CV Databases.

Contractor Keyword Group

When building your search, consider including a "Contractor" keyword group in your search. This will identify candidates who are open to contract employment but may not have specified it on their profile.

Previously Placed Contractors

You could also set up a SourceBot to monitor the activity of previous contractor candidates you have placed. This means you'll be notified as soon as any of your previously-placed candidates have logged onto the CV databases, and therefore might be seeking a new opportunity.

To do this, create a keyword group with all the names of your previously-placed contracting candidates. Add a separate keyword group in your search, including the industry they are in. This will return those contract candidates that put themselves back on job boards.

Create a SourceBot on these to be notified when they are active and be the first recruiter on the phone.

What's more is you can also track these candidates' CVs and monitor where they're moving from, giving you potential business development opportunities!

Transfer this search to LinkedIn to track if they're looking, moving, or “Open to Opportunities”. See those who are open to opportunities with LinkedIn Recruiter Full.