Position Details Page

To access the Position Details page, click the ID of a position in the Position List.

The Position Details page shows you all the details / fields for the selected Position. You can also access the Position Report from here.


The Overview contains information such as the VMS Provider, Req and ATS IDs, and the Parsed and Req status:

  • Parsed Status: Verbatim text status of the job/position/req/order from the VMS.
  • Req Status: Normalized status from the VMS based on industry knowledge during implementation.

VMS Sync

This section contains system specific data fields. None of these are from the VMS.

The Sync Status or Sync Lifecycle status represents where the position is in the VMS to Sync to ATS lifecycle.

Position Delivery Stages

  • Mail Parsed: VMS email has been received to the Credential VMS Sync email address
  • Work Queued: Initiation of req detail retrieval from VMS
  • Work Failed: VMS error encountered while attempting to retrieve req details from VMS (unsuccessful retrieval)
  • Work Completed: Req details successfully retrieved from VMS
  • ATS Save Start: Initiation of ATS Job insert/update
  • Relevant Rules: Lists Rule(s) applied to req (JSON value caught by Rule IF condition(s))
  • ATS Submission: Lists ATS field values set by VMS Sync transaction
  • ATS Response: Indicates ATS change type (INSERT or UPDATE)
  • ATS Save Fail: ATS error encountered while attempting to insert/update Job
  • Rule Process Ignored: Lists setIgnore Rule(s) applied to req (ATS Job not created/updated)
  • Flex Unmapped: Req criteria shows as Unlinked in Flex Mapping (ATS Job not created)
  • Template Email: Notification email details (subject/body/recipients)
  • Position Timing Report: Transaction timing details (indicates successful ATS Job insert/update)

Ignore Field

If Ignore = True: VMS Sync never pulls data from the VMS for this position and doesn't create work objects for this position in our database. This field is set by default to True for all existing positions in a VMS when setting up a credential in VMS Sync. This prevents possible duplicates in your ATS from hand-entered Reqs. This is referred to as System level ignore.

In the VMS position lifecycle, VMS Sync doesn't generate work for this type of position, i.e. VMS Sync doesn't process any updates for it. VMS Sync sets the status of the position to complete.

Rule Ignored Status

If Status = ruleignored: Based on customer requested rules, VMS Sync will stop these positions from being uploaded to the ATS using the rules system. This is referred to as Customer setting ignore.

VMS Sync generates work for this type of position and will get updates from the VMS when triggered by reqlist, mail parsed, etc.


This section contains fields from the VMS, normalized from their labels to our VMS Sync object schema.


This section contains fields about rates from the VMS, normalized from their labels to our VMS Sync object schema.

Buyer Details

This section contains fields about the buyer (the end client of the VMS), normalized from their labels to our VMS Sync object schema.

Additional Details

Fields that don’t fit in the schema get added here. These fields are from the VMS, normalized from their labels to our VMS Sync object schema.