Document Generator: Configure Candidate Skill Types

Users have the flexibility to configure which skill types relate to a CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.. This configuration allows you to render the candidate more accurately in the generated document.

To do so, we added a new field Additional Query Criteria for the Custom Metadata Document Generator Section. This field is used to configure filters for displayed child objects in the section.


  1. Click Setup Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Next to Document Generator Section, click Manage Records.
  3. Next to section you would like to add it to (EX: Skills), click Edit.
  4. In the Additional Query Criteria field, add .your desired skill (EX: TR1_Verified_C = true AND TR1_Type_c LIKE 'Language%'
  5. Click Save

Configuration Example

In the example below, the setting is applied to the Skills section. According to the settings, only verified skills with types beginning with “Language_” will be displayed in the section.