Textkernel Language Competencies Pack: Configuration Guide

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.

This article for System Administrators contains the configuration steps for the Textkernel Language Competencies Pack. Looking for the user guide? See Language Competencies Pack for more information.

Configuration Steps

If your Org uses a language other than English, steps two, five, and six below are different. See the Master Competencies Translations for Non-English Orgs section at the bottom of this page for more information.

  1. Upgrade to release 2020.01.3 (version 4.6) or higher. Contact Bullhorn for Salesforce support to request an upgrade, if needed.
  2. Download and save this file as a .csv then upload it to add records against the Master Competency Object (BH4FCP__Master_Competency__c). This creates a master competency record for each language. Either the full list or only selected languages can be added, based on your needs.
  3. Update custom settings by doing the following:
    1. Navigate to Setup > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties.
    2. In the Custom Parser Handler field, enter this value: BH4FCP.LanguageCompetencyParserHandler.
    3. Ensure that the Enable New Architecture setting is enabled
  4. Update field mappings by doing the following:
    1. Navigate to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Mapping (TR1__Candidate_Mapping__mdt).
    2. Delete the Contact.Language__c field.
    3. Create these two new Custom Metadata Types records:
  5. Activate Flexi Page for Master Competencies to use as org default by doing the following:
    1. Go to Setup > Lightning App Builder
    2. Click the View link next to Master Competency Record Page
    3. Click the Activation button on the top right
    4. Click Assign as Org Default in the Org Default section
    5. Select form-factors on the next screen, such as Desktop and Phone
    6. Click Save
  6. Make tabs visible and add the Related List to the contact record.
    • You will need to make the tabs for the new objects visible (if required) and add the Competencies Related List to the relevant contact page layouts
    • This package field is not used and can be removed from the page layout: TR1__Language__c.
  7. Update TFM for Data Sync with Textkernel by doing the following:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types >Textkernel object configuration > Manage Records.
    2. Click Edit next to the Contact entry.
    3. Remove the Contact.TR1_Language_c field from indexing by commenting out the XML code in the TemplateClosed In BH4SF, this mainly refers to email templates field as shown below:
      <ItemGroup key="tr1__language__c"  bhtk:object="Contact" bhtk:field="tr1__language__c" bhtk:facet="tr1__language__c">
                  <Item index="0">
                      <Field key="tr1__language__c">
    4. Add the new Competency Object from the Template field to indexing as shown below:
         <!-- Competencies -->
              <ItemGroup count="1" key="langskill" bhtk:iterationObject="BH4FCP__Competency__c" bhtk:iterationField="BH4FCP__Contact__c">
                  <Item index="0">
                      <Field key="langskill" bhtk:object="BH4FCP__Competency__c" bhtk:field="BH4FCP__Master_Competency__r.Name">
                      <Field key="langprofi_code" bhtk:object="BH4FCP__Competency__c" bhtk:field="BH4FCP__Level__c">
  8. Assign users to permission sets.

Master Competencies Translations for Non-English Orgs

If your Org is not in English, steps two, five, and six require slightly different actions.

Step 2

After uploading the Master Language List, upload a localized list of languages against the Master Competency Translation object (BH4FCP__Master_Competency_Translation__c). This will create a Master Competency Translation record per language in the Org.

Step 5

  1. Go to Setup > Lightning App Builder.
  2. Click View next to the Master Competency Translation Record Page item.
  3. Click the Activation button on the top right.
  4. Click Assign as Org Default in the Org Default section.
  5. Select form-factors on the next screen, such as desktop and phone.
  6. Click Save.

Step 6

On contact records, remove the default Competencies Related List and replace as follows:

  1. Go to the relevant Contact page layout and click Edit (top right corner).
  2. Add the competencyRelatedList to the Related List section.