Combined Markup % and Overtime and Double Time Pay and Bill Rates Calculations and Order of Operations


For systems with Markup and Pay and Bill Multipliers fields enabled, these separate calculations work in tandem. This article explains how the calculations work depending on which fields change.




Calculate OT and DT Rates, Markup % and Markup Value based on Pay and Bill Rates and Multipliers

For the first option when adding a rate group to a rate card and selecting an earn code, the system populates the pay and bill multipliers based on set defaults. When entering the regular pay rate and bill rate, the system calculates these fields for the rate card group:

  • OT Pay Rate, DT Pay Rate, OT Bill Rate, DT Bill Rate, REG/OT/DT Markup %, REG/OT/DT Markup value


Calculate Reg Bill Rate, OT and DT Rates, Markup % and Markup Value based on Pay Rate and Markup, and Multipliers

The second option when adding a rate group to a rate card, is to enter the regular pay rate and regular markup % (instead of bill rate), and for the system to calculate these fields for the rate card group:

  • OT Pay Rate, DT Pay Rate, REG, Bill Rate, OT Bill Rate, DT Bill Rate, OT/DT Markup %, REG/OT/DT Markup value


Calculate OT and DT Rates, Markup % and Markup Value based on Pay and Bill Rates and Multipliers

The last option when adding a rate group, is to enter the regular bill rate and regular markup % for the system to calculate these fields for the rate card group:

  • REG Pay Rate, OT Pay Rate, DT Pay Rate, OT Bill Rate, DT Bill Rate, OT/DT Markup %, REG/OT/DT Markup value


These examples are not a complete list of all possible ways to update the data and corresponding calculations, but are a good idea of how the calculations execute in general:


Update OT Pay Factor => Calculate OT Pay Rate, OT Markup % and OT Markup Value

When updating the Overtime Pay Multiplier, the system:

  • Recalculates the OT Pay Rate, OT Markup %, and OT Markup Value

  • Does not change the OT Bill Rate or OT Bill Multiplier


Update DT Bill Factor => Calculate DT Bill Rate, DT Markup %, and DT Markup Value

When updating the Double Time Bill Multiplier, the system:

  • Recalculates DT Bill Rate, DT Markup %, and DT Markup Value

  • Does not change DT Pay Rate or DT Pay Multiplier 


Update Reg Markup % => Calculate Reg Bill Rate, OT Bill Rate, and DT Bill Rate then Markup %, and Markup Value for all Reg, OT, and DT

When updating the Regular Markup% the system:

  • Recalculates Reg Bill Rate

  • Recalculates OT and DT Bill Rates

  • Recalculates OT markup % and value and DT markup % and value

  • Does not change OT and DT Bill Multipliers, REG, OT, and DT Pay Rates


Update Reg Pay Rate => Recalculate OT and DT Pay Rates and Reg, OT, and DT Markup %, and Markup Value

When updating the Regular Pay Rate the system:

  • Recalculates OT and DT Pay Rate

  • Recalculates Reg Markup % and Value

  • Recalculates OT and DT Markup % and Value

  • Does not change Reg, OT, or DT Bill Rates


Update Reg Bill Rate => Recalculate OT and DT Bill Rates and Reg, OT, and DT Markup % and Value

When updating the Regular Bill Rate the system:

  • Recalculates OT and DT Bill Rate

  • Recalculates Reg Markup

  • Recalculates OT and DT Markup % and Value

  • Does not change Reg, OT, or DT Pay Rates, and OT and DT Pay and Bill Multipliers