Overtime and Double Time Pay and Bill Rate Calculations

Pay and bill multipliers are enabled to calculate pay and bill overtime and double time rates automatically. The multipliers pre-populate when a new rate group is added to a placement rate card.


Note: Pay and bill multipliers only apply to rate groups that accrue overtime and double time. The pay and bill multiplier for the regular rate line always defaults to 1.


Defining Pay and Bill Overtime and Double Time Multipliers


Pay and bill overtime and double time multipliers are customized under Administration > Pay & Bill Settings.


The multipliers default values are:






These entitlements allow users to enter and modify the pay or bill overtime and double time rates and multipliers.

  • These entitlements are enabled for all users by default.

Entitlement Description
Edit Placement Rate Card Line Bill OT/DT Rates and Multiplier Allow users to modify the Bill OT and DT Factors and Rates on the Placement Rate Card entity.
Edit Placement Rate Card Line Pay OT/DT Rates and Multiplier Allow users to modify the Pay OT and DT Factors and Rates on the Placement Rate Card entity.


Users without these entitlements are able to enter the regular pay and bill rates and the multipliers automatically calculate and populate the corresponding overtime and double time rates according to the regular rates.




This section describes how the overtime and double time rates calculate and how updating the rates or multipliers impact the other fields on the form.


Calculate Overtime and Double Time Pay and Bill Rates

When entering the regular pay rate and bill rate on a rate card, the system calculates the overtime and double time pay rates and bill rates using these formulas:


Overtime Pay Rate = Regular Pay Rate * Overtime Pay Multiplier

Double Time Pay Rate = Regular Pay Rate * Double Time Pay Multiplier

Overtime Bill Rate = Regular Bill Rate * Overtime Bill Multiplier

Double Time Bill Rate = Regular Bill Rate * Double Time Bill multiplier


These actions cause field updates by formulas:

  • Initial regular pay/bill rate entry

  • Updating the regular pay/bill rate (the system recalculates the overtime/double time pay and bill rates)

  • Updating the overtime/double time pay or bill multipliers within Pay & Bill Settings


Calculate Overtime and Double Time Pay and Bill Multipliers

Manually adjust the overtime/double time pay and bill rates instead of changing the multipliers and the system recalculates the corresponding multiplier. For example, change the overtime pay rate and the overtime pay multiplier adjusts accordingly using these formulas:


Overtime Pay Multiplier = Overtime Pay Rate / Regular Pay Rate

Double Time Pay Multiplier = Double Time Pay Rate / Regular Pay Rate

Overtime Bill Multiplier = Overtime Bill Rate / Regular Bill Rate

Double Time Bill Multiplier = Double Time Bill Rate / Regular Bill Rate


Note: The regular pay and bill rates are never recalculated when adjusting the overtime/double time rates or multipliers.