Creating a Billing Profile


Clients can create a Billing Profile to set up a collection of the billing details. Multiple profiles can be set up depending on the invoicing needs, such as direct hire invoices having different invoice terms than contract invoices. These can include:

  • What company to send the invoice statement to (Client vs. Bill To Client)
  • Which contact should receive the invoice at the company.
  • How the invoice statement should be addressed.

This article guides you through the steps for creating a Billing Profile.

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate action entitlements in order to create or edit Billing Profiles. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.


  1. On the company record, select the Billing Profiles tab.
  2. Choose Add Billing Profile.
  3. On the Add Billing Profile screen, complete the following fields:
Field Name Summary
Effective Date

The date you want to start using the profile, this will default to today's date.

Title The unique name of the profile that displays throughout the system such as when adding a the profile to a Job or Placement.
Status Set to Active to make it available for use.
Billing Specialist The user who handles invoicing for a particular client or billing contact.
Bill-To Client The client who receives the invoices.
Invoice Terms

The set of rules that control the details of the invoice such as net days and when timesheets get invoiced. This is selected from the Invoice Terms set up on the Bill-To Client. See Adding Invoice Terms for more details.

Location The site where the invoices should be sent. This is selected from the Location entities set up on the Bill-To Client.
Billing Contact The client contact responsible for handling invoices.
Bill-To Attention Additional information to help ensure the invoice gets to the right place.

Delivery Method

If Email:

  • An Email Template must be selected and at least one contact must be entered. Multiple contacts can be selected.
  • An email will automatically be sent to the client upon finalization of the invoice with the invoice attached as a PDF.
  1. Select Save to confirm your changes.