Editing Billing Profiles


Clients can create a Billing Profile to set up a collection of the billing details. Multiple profiles can be set up depending on their invoicing needs, such as direct hire invoices having different invoice terms than contract invoices. These can include:

  • What company to send the invoice statement to (Client vs. Billing Contact)
  • Who should receive the invoice at the company.
  • How the invoice statement should be addressed.

In the event that a billing profile has been created with incorrect information then it should be edited. If the information has changed then a new version should be created instead. This article guides you through the steps for editing a Billing Profile. See Adding a New Billing Profile Version for instructions on creating a new Billing Profile version. .

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate action entitlements in order to edit Billing Profiles. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.


  1. On the company record, select the Billing Profiles tab.
  2. Open the profile you wish to update.
  3. On the Edit Billing Profiles screen, select Edit.
  4. Update the profile information as needed.
  5. Select Save to confirm your changes.