Adding New Invoice Terms


Invoice Terms are an essential component of the Billing Profile. Invoice Terms specify invoicing instructions, such as when the agency bills, what the agency bills, client billing preference, and how invoices should be split, grouped, or summarized.

Invoice Terms include:

  • Net days due
  • Approval conditions
  • Applicable discount and/or surcharge rates
  • Invoice Format (Invoice Statement Template)

This article guides you through the steps to set up new invoice terms. See this article for information about Invoice Term Templates.

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate user type action entitlements in order to create or edit Invoice Terms. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.

Creating Invoice Terms

  1. On the company record, select the Invoice Terms tab.
  2. Choose Add Invoice Terms.
  3. On the Add Invoice Terms screen, complete the following fields:

Field Description
Effective Date

The date you want to start using the profile.

  • The date will default to today's date.

This is the name of the term profile that will be used in other parts of the application.

  • Enter in a name that helps distinguish it from other term profiles.

Determines if the invoice term is currently in use.

  • Active Invoice Terms may be assigned to Billing Profiles.

Sets the currency type used on the invoice.

  • Mixed currency invoices are not supported.
Billing Cycle

If configured, you can assign a Billing Cycle, such as Monthly or Bi-Monthly billing, and associated Billing Calendar to the Invoice Term.

  • You may choose to leave this field blank if you don't plan on using billing cycles for invoicing.
Payment Terms

Sets the number of days after the invoice date that the invoice is due.

  • Due Upon Receipt - the due date is the same as the invoice date.
  • Net 5, Net 10, etc. - the due date is the invoice date + the Net Value.
    • For Net 15, if the invoice date is 8/15/2019, the due date will be 8/30/2019.
Approval Required

Determines whether or not the invoice needs to be approved prior to it being finalized.

  • This applies to Original and Credit invoice types.
Wait for Timecards
  • Indicates whether or not Billable Charges can be invoiced without a timecard.
    • This applies to Original invoice types.
Invoice Only Approved Timecards
  • Indicates whether or not Billable Charges can be invoiced prior to timecards being approved.
    • This applies to Original invoice types.

  1. Complete the General Ledger Account Mapping section:

Field Description
General Ledger Accounts Receivable

Used to assign a general ledger account to the invoice term.

  • You may choose from a list of active accounts receivable options in the General Ledger Accounts table.

  1. In the Invoice Format section, enter the following information:

Field Description
Invoice Statement Template Select an invoice template to set the style and format of the invoice.
File Types for Invoicing

Expenses supports four different types of file attachments. These files can be connected between BTE and Bullhorn automatically, or you can attach them manually to a billable charge. The features of this field include:

  • Timesheet: This is the timesheet from BTE, displayed as an image.
  • Timesheet Attachment: These are attachments related to the timesheet. If an original timesheet was entered outside of BTE, it will appear here.
  • Expense Report: This is the expense report from BTE, displayed as an image.
  • Expense Receipt: Any receipts attached to the expense report will appear here.

This field will be automatically enabled for the Invoice Terms screen.

Remit Instructions Include additional information for remitting payment, such as wire or electronic transfer instructions, payment address, etc.

  1. The following sections let you determine how billable charges should display and how invoices should generate:
    Split, Group, and Summarize

Section Description
Split Invoice By
  • You can choose to split transactions into separate billing statements based on fields from the following entities:
    • Bill Master
    • Billable Charge
    • Candidate
    • Placement

    For example, a client may want separate invoices for each Billing Profile.

  • Group Invoice By

    Lets you decide how transactions should be grouped within an individual invoice statement, such as grouping transactions together by Hiring Manager.

    You can group the transactions by fields from the following entities:

    • Bill Master
    • Billable Charge
    • Candidate
    • Placement
    Summarize Invoice By

    Lets you indicate how each transaction on the invoice statement is presented, such as by the Contractor's name.

    You can summarize transactions by fields from the following entities:

    • Bill Master
    • Billable Charge
    • Candidate
    • Placement

    1. Once you have finished entering the term details, select Save to confirm your changes.

    You can now associate the Invoice Terms with a Billing Profile.