Invoice Terms: Split By, Group By, Summarize By


To ensure a staffing agency’s invoices are paid in a timely manner, it's vital that they provide the level of detail and data that their client requires. While most customers want the same general information, such as how many hours were worked, candidate name, etc., there can be a lot of variation. Bullhorn One’s concept of Split Invoice By, Group Invoice By, and Summarize Invoice By allow you to determine which billable transactions should be included and the data required by the customer once that invoice is generated.

Bullhorn One's Split By, Group By, and Summarize By functionality allows you to choose what data gets displayed on your invoices, and which fields determine your data is segmented on the Invoice (Split By), Invoice Group (Group By), and Invoice Line (Summarize By) levels. This feature is configured on the Invoice Terms, as many different Split/Group/Summarize configurations can be created to meet your customers needs.

You can Split By, Group By, or Summarize By fields from the following entities:

  • Bill Master
  • Billable Charge
  • Candidate
  • Placement
  • Customer Required Fields (CRFs)

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate user type action entitlements in order to create or edit Invoice Terms. Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.

Split Invoice By

Split By will create a separate invoices for each entity selected. Below are some examples of fields you can split by.

To Split By Select Notes
Candidate name Placement > Candidate  
Week Ending Date Billing Charge > Period End Date  
Expenses vs. Time Bill Transaction > Charge Type  

Calendar (for non - weekly billing) If you want to always split invoices by Billing Calendar, use this option.

Bill Transaction > Billing Calendar  
Shift Identification Placement > Shift Identification Must be Time & Labor enabled.

Group Invoice By

Group By allows you to decide how transactions should be grouped within and individual invoice statement, such as grouping transactions together by Hiring Manager. Group By will subtotal the group.

The standard template supports two group bys. If you would like to group by more than two a custom invoice is required.

If split by is used, it is not recommended to group by the same field.

Below are some examples of fields you can group by:

To Group By Select Notes
Week Ending Date Billing Charge > Period End Date  
Expenses vs. Time Bill Transaction > Charge Type  
PO Number Placement > PO  
Shift Identification Placement > Shift Identification Must be Time & Labor enabled.

Summarize Invoice By

Summarize By indicates how each transaction is displayed in the description section on the invoice and how transactions are grouped into one line item.

For example, if you do not outline a Split By or Group By and only set up a Summarize By Placement > Candidate then you will get one Invoice Statement Line Item for each Placement > Candidate.

Below are some examples of fields you can summarize by.

To Summarize By Select Notes
Candidate name Placement > Candidate  
Earn Code Bill Transaction > Earn Code  
Week Ending Date Billing Charge > Period End Date  
PO Number Placement > PO  
Bill Rate Bill Transaction Entry > Bill Rate  

Earn Code Alias: If you choose to display the alias on the invoice, this field should be unhidden and required on the rate card.

Placement Rate Card > Alias  
Shift Identification Placement > Shift Identification Must be Time & Labor enabled.

The details on the invoice will sort by the items selected in the Summarize By section. For example, if you select Placement > Candidate, the line items on the invoice as well as the attachments from Bullhorn Time & Expense will be in alphabetical order by the candidates last name.


These examples show how the Billable Charges and Invoice Terms will show on the invoice with the different Split By, Group By and Summarize By options.

Weekly Invoicing by Candidate with Separate Invoices for Time and Expenses

Billable Charge

Invoice Terms


Weekly by Customer (Consolidated Invoice), Time and Expenses on the Same Invoice

Billable Charge

Invoice Terms


Monthly Invoicing by Candidate

Billable Charge

Invoice Terms


Monthly by Customer (Consolidated Invoice) and Grouped by Week End Date

Billable Charge

Invoice Terms
