Mark Payable Charges as Ready to Pay


All financial transactions that are due to be paid to the employee are represented by Payable Charges. These charges are connected to a pay-type earn code. Payable Charges are added through Bullhorn Time & Expense via Billing Sync. If needed, they can also be entered on the Payable Charge list screen.

Before Payable Charges can be exported, they must be in the Ready to Pay status. This article contains the steps for marking Payable Charges as "Ready to Pay".

Before You Begin

In order to have the option for Ready to Pay, you will need the correct user type entitlements. Please call Bullhorn One Support to have this access added.


  1. Navigate to Menu > Pay & Bill > Payable Charges to see the list of Payable Charges.
  2. Filter the list for the Payable Charges that need to be marked as Ready to Pay. Select the records that need the status changed.
  3. On the Actions dropdown select Mark as Ready.

Payable Charge actions:

  • For mass action, the maximum number of Payable Charges to be updated is 500.
  • Only Payable Charges in the status "Not Ready to Pay" can be updated to "Ready to Pay".
  • Only Payable Charges in the status of "Ready to Pay" can be exported to Accounts Payable or Payroll.