Adding Holidays to a Holiday Schedule

Bullhorn Holiday Schedules allow placements within Bullhorn ATS to be associated with a particular list of holidays. Holiday Schedules are configured at the Placement level so hours can be tracked and paid appropriately for holidays that differ from regular work days.

You must be using Bullhorn ATS and Bullhorn Time & Expense with FOI 2.0 integration to use Holiday Schedules.

New Holidays can be added to an existing Holiday Schedule or a newly created Holiday Schedule. For information on creating a new Holiday Schedule, see Creating Holiday Schedules.

  1. From within the appropriate holiday schedule, click Add Holiday.
  2. Fill out the following information:
    • Holiday Name: Name the holiday (Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.).
    • Date: Fill in the date the holiday will take place.
    • Time: Indicate the time the holiday take place using the fields under the Time section.
      • All Day Checkbox: Check All Day to indicate the holiday takes place on the provided date, from midnight to midnight.

        If your holiday isn’t going to be All Day, and it starts on the day before or day of the holiday at a specific time, be sure to set the Placement up with In/Out time trackign. THis way the holiday can be correctly calculated.

      • Start Day and Time to End Day and Time: Use the drop downs and time fields to indicate the time frame of the holiday when it should not be all day.
        • Day before Holiday: Allows for a holiday to apply to hours prior to midnight. For example, employees work third shift which starts before midnight at 11PM and you want the hours before midnight to be included in the calculation.
        • Day of Holiday: Allows for the holiday to begin or end at a certain time on the date selected.
        • Day after Holiday: Allows for the holiday to end after the date selected.

          A holiday must be created prior to the start of the week containing the holiday. If the holiday is created after the week has already begun and is set to have hours pre-populated in WTE, the hours will not be pre-populated on employee time cards in BTE.

    • Web Candidate Experience: This section only applies if you have placements using Web Time Entry (WTE).
    • It is most common to only select the check boxes under one of the following sections: Candidate Did Not Work or Candidate Worked.

      • Candidate Did Not Work: Check Prepopulate hours to have a specified number of hours pre-populated on an employee’s time card against a particular Earn Code. This means that once an employee signs into WTE and selects the week containing the holiday, they will already have the specified number of hours saved to their timesheet against the selected earn code.
      • Candidate Worked: Pick from the following options in this section.
        • Check Move all submitted time against earn code... to have hours moved to a different code. When an employee submits hours against a particular code, they get automatically moved to a different code (typically a holiday code).
        • Check Add ___ hours to timecard against... to have hours added to a timesheet after it is submitted. For example, 4 hours of HolidaySource PO could be added on the holiday date after the timesheet is submitted by the employee.

          The employee must have some hours worked on that day for the holiday adjustment to be added.

      •  Web Time Entry Message (optional): This message is displayed to the employee within Web Time Entry on the pay period containing the holiday.
        • The language can be translated based on already saved employee language preferences by entering with HTML tags like below.
        • Copy

          Example with HTML Tags

          <%EN%>Please confirm that you worked hours on the company holiday. You are eligible for and will be paid for 8 hours of holiday pay for the company holiday. <%FR%>S'il vous plaît confirmer que vous avez travaillé des heures sur la société vacances. Vous êtes admissible et serez payé pour 8 heures de paie de vacances pour l'entreprise vacances. <%ES%>Por favor, confirma que ha trabajado horas en el día de fiesta de la empresa. Usted es elegible y se le pagará por las 8 horas de la paga de vacaciones para las vacaciones de la empresa.
        • WTE Spanish translation example:
    • Clock Candidate Experience: This section only applies if you have placements using clocks.

      It is most common to only select the check boxes under one of the following sections: Candidate Did Not Work or Candidate Worked.

      • Candidate Did Not Work: Check Add___hours to timecard against... to have a specified number of hours added on an employee’s time card against a particular Earn Code. There are a couple of steps to this process that you'll see.
        • When closing the clock group for the week, employees are identified that should have hours added and are presented on the clock Pre-Close screen. Select Apply to add the holiday hours to any applicable time cards and complete the close group process.

          A switch on the Group Edit called On Close Check Missing Holiday Hours must be on for this setting to work.

      • Candidate Worked: Pick from the following options in this section.
        • Check Move all worked time against earn code... to have hours moved to a different code. When an employee submits hours against a particular code, they get automatically moved to a different code (typically a holiday code).
        • Check Add ___ hours to timecard against... to have hours added to a timesheet if the employee has worked hours on the specified day.
  3. When you are done, click Save.