Holiday Schedules FAQ

Bullhorn Holiday Schedules allow placements within Bullhorn ATS to be associated with a particular list of holidays. Holiday Schedules are configured at the Placement level so hours can be tracked and paid appropriately for holidays that differ from regular work days.

You must be using Bullhorn ATS and Bullhorn Time & Expense with FOI 2.0 integration to use Holiday Schedules.

For assistance beyond the following frequently asked questions, contact Bullhorn Time & Expense Support. For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting Holiday Schedule Issues.

Are Holiday Schedules only tied to the Branch they are set up under?

No, the list of Holiday Schedules is available under all Branches, and can be configured/viewed from all Branches.

Can a Holiday Schedule be made Client-Specific?

Yes, but not by selecting a Client Name/ID within the set up. When creating the Holiday Schedule, you can set up a unique Mapping Code that is then only set for the Client and its related Placements in the ATS.

For more information on creating Holiday Schedules, see Creating Holiday Schedules.

Can a Holiday Schedule or its related Mapping Code be deleted once created?

No. Once a Holiday Schedule or Mapping Code is created and saved, it cannot be deleted.

Can a Holiday(s) be removed from a Holiday Schedule if created in error?

Yes, but only if the Holiday is in the future and not within the current week ending date. If the Holiday is within the current week ending date or in the past it can not be deleted.

Can a Placement be linked to more than one Holiday Scheduling Mapping Code at the same time?

No, but if the incorrect Mapping Code was selected on the Placement, it can be changed.

Don't switch the Mapping Code on a Placement to use different Holiday Schedules if Timesheets have already been calculated using a previously selected Mapping Code.

If a Holiday is set up to pre-populate with hours (ex: 8 PTO Hours), and upon logging in, the employee removes the pre-populated hours, does BTE add back the hours?

No, if an employee deletes the pre-populated hours, BTE does not re-populate them.

Does the same Holiday (ex: Memorial Day) need to be set up every year?

The Holiday Schedule specifically doesn’t need to be set up every year. A single Holiday Schedule can be used for multiple years. However, you will have to either set up the Holiday (ex: Memorial Day) for years in advance, or go into BTE and set it up on an annual basis.

Will the Holiday Schedule retroactively calculate on Timesheets if a Holiday Schedule and Holidays are added for days in a past week ending date?

No, BTE does not retroactively calculate a timesheet, or prepopulate, move hours, or add hours, if a Holiday is set up today for a date in a previous week ending date.

Is it possible to prevent an employee from editing the prepopulated hours and Holiday Adjustment Code via WTE?

Yes, you can prevent employees from editing the hours populated onto their WTE timesheet from a Holiday Schedule by editing the Adjustment Code/Earn Code settings linked to that Holiday. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > Adjustment Codes
  2. Click into the Adjustment Code that is linked to the Holiday.
  3. Toggle Allow Employee Entry to No.
  4. Click Save.

The Adjustment Code/Earn Code you selected will now appear grayed out on the employees WTE timesheet.