Web Time Entry Dashboard

The Web Time Entry (WTE) dashboard provides a summary of your timesheets in Bullhorn Time & Expense. The dashboard can be accessed at anytime by clicking Dashboard in the top menu.

Using the WTE Dashboard

You can perform the following actions from the dashboard:

  • Click on a Week Ending date to view more details about that week's time sheet.
  • View the Status of your timesheets.
  • View historical timesheet information by clicking page numbers to see previous week endings.
  • Check your messages. We will occasionally send you updates about time entry or other company specific information.


Depending on the approval status of time entered, you may not be able to make adjustments to time entered.

Timesheet Status Definition Timesheet Edits Allowed?

No Time Entered

No time is entered


Saved Not Submitted

Time has been entered and saved


Pending Approval

Timesheet is sent for approval

Yes, unless the records have already been sent to payroll


Client approved


Approved with Changes

Client modified



Client rejected
