Invenias Power BI Dashboard Views

For Invenias Power BI, we've created fresh datasets from the ground up, rather than reusing parts of our previous system design. narrower, more consistent and more granular in structure and are much easier to use. They’re created to be fast and easy to find the data you want.

For more information on examples of Dashboards you can create, see powerBIDashboardExamples.

If a view displays no data, the feature isn’t being used in Invenias, meaning there is no data to populate into the table.

Available Views

The Role of Multiple Views

You may be wondering why are there so many views. The answer is simple: they’re designed for you!

We’ve customized our new datasets to be as narrow and granular as possible. These views are curated based on feedback from our existing abstraction layer, utilized in the Excel add-in, analytics dashboards, and reporting tools.

By creating more targeted datasets, Invenias users can choose exactly the data they need for their dashboards.