Invenias Power BI: User Information View

This Invenias PowerBI view is designed to provide a complete solution for managing and analyzing user data in our executive search software. It acts as a centralized platform for collecting critical user information, making the process of analyzing and managing user data simpler.

What It Does

  • Unified User Information: This view consolidates key user details into a single, easily accessible set of data.
    • Ideal for gaining insights into user profiles and activities.
  • User and Person Identification: Each record includes unique identifiers for both the User (UserId) and Person (PersonId) columns.
    • Facilitates easy tracking and correlation of data across different system modules.
  • Comprehensive Name Formatting: The view constructs full names by combining various name components (title, first, middle, last names, suffix, maiden name, and nickname) into a single, formatted string.
    • Ensure names are presented in a clear, consistent manner.
  • Contact Details: Access to essential contact information like mobile phone numbers and email addresses is streamlined.
    • Make communication management more efficient.
  • Status Indicators: The view indicates whether a user is disabled (IsDisabled) and whether they have been assigned a specific license (IsLicenseAssigned).
    • A quick reference to the user's current status in the system.
  • Group Affiliation: Each user's group affiliation is provided.
    • Can be used to segment users into different categories or for security and access control purposes.

Table of Columns

Column Name Column Type Description Joins To
UserId Guid

The unique identifier for each user in the system.

Used to track and manage individual user records.

PersonId Guid

The unique identifier for each person associated with a user.

Useful for linking users to their personal details.

UserName String

The username for the user account.

This is typically used for login purposes and user identification within the software.

FullName String A formatted string that combines various name components (like title, first, middle, and last names, suffix, maiden name, and nickname) to display the full name of the person in a standardized format. N/A
FirstName String The first name of the person. N/A
LastName String

The last name or family name of the person.

MobilePhone String The mobile phone number of the person, crucial for contact purposes. N/A
EmailAddress String

The primary email address of the person.

IsDisabled Boolean

Indicates whether the user's account is disabled (1) or active (0).

This is important for managing user access and permissions.

IsLicenseAssigned Boolean Shows whether a specific license (of type 0) is assigned to the user (1 for assigned, 0 for not assigned). Useful for license management and ensuring compliance. N/A
UserGroupId Guid

The identifier for the user group to which the user belongs.

Can be used to group users, manage permissions, and segment data.
