IMAP Email Accounts & Save to Invenias


Invenias Executive Search and Recruitment Software is not currently compatible with IMAP email services.

Our minimum requirement has always been to run Invenias alongside Microsoft Exchange in Cached mode – which is a standard business class email service and the environment in which we develop and test the product.

We do not offer any extended support for this email platform, however we can suggest a "work around" using Outlook that will redirect the sent items folder for an IMAP email account to the default sent items folder allowing Invenias to save emails using the Save to Invenias feature. 

Please note that whilst you do not need specific Invenias permissions to make any changes to your email client, always speak to your IT team first before making changes.

This article covers:

IMAP Work Around

Disclaimer: Invenias Ltd does not take responsibility for any loss of data as a result of a user using the product alongside an unsupported email account. The work around we provide for clients found below is to be used at the users discretion, and we take no responsibility for the configuration of the work around, or any data loss that could occur as a result of incorrect maintenance or configuration.

This work around must be applied every time a user changes machine or configures Outlook on an additional machine alongside there IMAP service. Invenias does not store this information, it's a setting in Outlook.

By design Invenias will only Save Emails into the journal using the Save to Invenias feature when they reach the default Sent Items folder. This ensures that Email's aren't saved if they were unable to be sent for any reason. 

IMAP accounts often redirect the "sent items" folder to another folder location. Meaning sent Emails never reach the default sent items folder for the .pst and Invenias cannot "see" they have been successful sent. 

With IMAP email accounts you cannot change the default location and select the original .pst The only way around this is the apply the solution below.


To solve this problem there is a work around by creating a custom rule that moves a copy of all sent emails into the correct "Sent Items" folder. Please follow the directions below to create the rule in Outlook.

Setup Rules

  1. Go to the Rules and Alerts option from the menu bar and choose E-Mail Rules.
  2. Click New Rule.
  3. Choose Start from a blank rule.
  4. Click Check Messages after sending.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Put a check mark in the second item: "through the specified account".
  7. In the lower half of the box you will see: "Apply this rule after I send the message through the specified account, and on this machine only."
  8. Click on the word Specified. A box will appear with a drop down list of the email accounts.
  9. Choose the IMAP account you created and click OK.
  10. It will now show the account in the lower half of the box. Click Next.
  11. The rules Wizard asks "What do you want to do with the message?".
  12. Look at Step 1: Select Options. Put a check mark in the box that says: "Move a copy of the specified folder".
  13. Now in the bottom half of the box you will see: "Move a copy to the specified folder".
  14. Again click on the word Specified. A new box will open with all of your email accounts and folders.
  15. Scroll down to the IMAP account that you have created, and click on the "+" sign.
  16. Click Sent Items.
  17. Click Next.

After you have applied these steps please send a test email on the machine and save it to a new or existing Invenias record. The email should now automatically save to the journal correctly.