Invenias Pane


The Invenias Pane, also know as the Summary Pane, displays a snapshot of information held within your Invenias database for a specific Person. The Invenias Pane is displayed within Outlook when navigating your emails, calendar items, tasks and contacts. The same pane can also be found within the Invenias Product when browsing lists of people and within each record itself.

This article covers:

The Invenias Pane and Outlook Integration

The Invenias Pane seamlessly extends the native Outlook desktop experience by displaying information from your Invenias database along side your native Outlook items including emails, appointments/meetings, tasks and contacts.

The Invenias Pane uses the information available from the selected item, for example the header of the email, to search your Invenias databases for related records. Using the information available, the Invenias Pane has three outcomes: Exact Match (green tick), Possible Match (orange question mark), No Match (red cross).

Exact Match

If an Exact Match is returned, for example the email address matches a record in your database, the Invenias Pane displays information about this person along with the Exact Match icon.

The following information is displayed about an Exact Match record:

  • Profile Picture: The person's profile picture.
  • Name: The link opens their record.
  • Star icon: Indicates if they're a Live Item.
  • Padlock icon: Indicate if they're Off Limits
  • Green Tick icon: Indicates they're an Exact Match.
  • Company Name: The link opens the company record.
  • Job Title: The person's job title.
  • Social Media icons: The link opens their profile in your default browser.
  • Contact details: All phone numbers and email addresses saved in your database.
  • Update CV/Resume from Attachment button: Only applicable if a document is attached.
  • Action buttons: Used to record a new action against the person.
  • Journal section: Lists their Journal items, ordered by date.
  • Documents section: Lists documents, ordered by date. Any document attached to the selected email can be dragged and dropped within this section to add the document to the person's record.
  • Candidate Assignments section: Lists all Assignments they are a Candidate for. A new Assignment can be created with the person listed as a Candidate by pressing the plus/add icon.
  • Client Assignments section: Lists all Assignments where they are one of the Clients. A new Assignment can be created with the person listed as a Client by pressing the plus/add icon.
  • Programmes section: Lista all Programmes they're listed on.

Possible Match

The Invenias Pane may find one or multiple Possible Matches, based on the person's name, in which case, all Possible Matches will be returned along with the Possible Match icon. In addition to the Possible Match results, the Invenias Pane will display an option to create a new record in case this person does not yet exist on your database.

To check if any of the results are a match, select one of the Possible Match results to display the information held about them from your Invenias database. Clicking on the orange Add email address to this record button will add this email address to this record, which enables everyone in your organization to see an Exact Match in future.

No Match

The Outlook item selected may not be related to anyone in your Invenias database, in which case, the No Match icon will be displayed, along with the ability to either Create a New Record or Select Existing Record. This opens the Select Person window, enabling you to link to an existing person within your Invenias database.

The Create Person Wizard

Selecting the Create a New Record option from the Invenias Pane when either the Possible Match or Not Matched screens are presented will launch the Create Person Wizard. The options below are available in the Create Person Wizard.

Parse Attachment

If the Outlook Item (e.g. Email) selected contains a parsable document, the first screen of the wizard will give you the option to create a new record by parsing the attached document, using the Invenias Parsing functionality, instead of continuing with this wizard.

Link to Company Record

If the Outlook Item does not contain a document, or you have chosen to not parse and instead continue with the wizard, you're presented with the option to link this Person to a Company Record by either selecting an existing company, or creating a new company.

If you choose to select an existing Company, you will see the standard lookup control, where you can type the name of the company for a list of results to select from, or you can use the lookup icon to open the Select Company window.

If you choose to create a new company record instead, you can type the name of the new company in the field provided.

Save to Invenias Record(s)

After choosing to link the Person to a Company or not, you can select if you'd like to save any of the following items:

  • Save the Outlook Item to the Person's Record.
  • Save the Outlook Item to the Company's Record.
  • If a file was attached, save the attachment to the Person's Record.

Additional Options

You have the options to open the new Person Record and add the new Person Record to your Live Items after you press the Finish button.

The Invenias Pane Options

The Invenias Pane has several options, which can be found within the Invenias tab of your Outlook Ribbon Toolbar: 

  • Off: Selecting this option will disable the Invenias Pane.
  • Normal: Selecting will re-enable the Invenias Pane.
  • Match Cc: Choose to match against the Cc field, in addition to always matching the To field of the Outlook Item (e.g. email).
  • Match Bcc: Choose to match against the Bcc field, in addition to always matching the To field of the Outlook Item (e.g. email).
  • Refresh Automatically: This option will keep the information displayed in the Invenias Pane for a matched record updated as new items are added to the record. For example, if a colleague adds a new telephone action to the person's record, the Journal section will display this new item. 
  • Passive Mode: This will prevent the Invenias pane from scanning emails to match people automatically and change to an on demand feature. With this option enabled the pane will only look up people when the user clicks the Check Invenias button in the Invenias Pane. This option can provide significant improvements in performance for users connecting in a VDI/Terminal services environment with limited graphics acceleration. 
  • Additional Options: When a match is found and their information is displayed within the Pane, you can select which of the information is visible by using the following options:
    • Show Record Picture
    • Show Current Position
    • Show Contact Details
    • Show Journal
    • Show Documents
    • Show Candidate Assignments
    • Show Client Assignments
    • Show Programmes