Primary Text Fields for Searching In Invenias


 This article lists the fields that the "Primary Text Fields" option in Full Text Search searches within.

Primary Text Fields

These fields are searched when selecting the Primary Text Fields option in People Advanced Search, keyword search:


  • FirstName
  • FamilyName
  • MiddleName
  • MaidenName
  • Nickname
  • Suffix
  • Title
  • PersonNumber
  • Headline
  • InternalComments
  • CustomEmail1
  • CustomEmail2
  • CustomEmail3
  • CustomEmail4
  • CustomEmail5
  • Email1Address
  • Email2Address
  • Email3Address
  • HomeStreet
  • HomeCity
  • HomePostalCode
  • HomeState
  • HomeCountry
  • PermanentBenefitsSought
  • ContractBenefitsSought
  • NonExecBenefitsSought


  • Company Name
  • Synonyms
  • Business Tel
  • Business Tel Country
  • Business Fax
  • Business Fax Country
  • Business Tel 2
  • Business Tel 2 Country
  • Accounts Tel
  • Accounts Tel Country
  • Sales Tel
  • Sales Tel Country
  • Support Tel
  • Support Tel Country
  • ISDN
  • ISDN Country
  • Email 1
  • Email 2
  • Email 3
  • Website
  • Internal Comments


  • Assignment Name
  • Company
  • Locations
  • Departments
  • Primary Contact {Custom Label}
  • Secondary Contacts {Custom Label}
  • Internal Comments
  • Programme
  • Programme Name
  • Internal Comments