Admin: Document Generator: Configure Languages Per Template

Before you configure Languages for the template, you must enable it. For enablement steps, see Admin: Document Generator: Enable Languages Per Template.

We offer a picklist with the ability to select the language into which the preview of the document will be translated.

Below is where the configuration is needed:

  • The values of the playlist are stored in a new Language field on the Document Template object.
    • Navigate to Setup Object ManagerDocument Template.
  • This field should contain only those languages that are included in the Translation Workbench.
    • Navigate to Setup Translation WorkbenchTranslation Language Settings.
  • To configure picklist values is used Picklist Value Sets Languages.
    • Navigate to Setup Picklist Value SetsLanguagesEdit.

Next Steps

We offer the option to apply translations in the template. For translation details, see Admin: Document Generator: Configure Languages Translations Per Template.