Admin: Specify Page Layout for Job Contact Popover

To configure the Job Contact Popover, specify the necessary page layout for each Job Record Type where the popover needs to be enabled.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Next to ATS Config per Job Record Type, click Manage Records.
  3. Select a record that corresponds to a Job record type.
    • The next steps will need to be completed for each record that corresponds to a Job record type.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the Contact Detail Popup Page Layout Name, enter your name in the following format:
    • Copy


      ({objectName}-{namespace_prexif_if_appliable}_{Layout Name})
    • For example, "Contact-TR1__Contact Popup Layout".
  6. Click Save.

Next Steps

You may configure the tab icon that displays. For more information, see Admin: Related Lists Tab Icons.