Admin: Specify Job Popover Contact Page Layout

Here you specify the where the user sees the contact/applicantClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. for the job on the page layout. You can configure different layouts per Job Record Type using the field "Contact detail popover Page Layout name.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom Metadata Type.
  2. Next to ATS Configuration Per Job Record Type, click Manage Records.
  3. For Org Default record, click Edit.
  4. In the Job detail popover Page layout Name field, enter the Job detail popover Page layout Name in the following format:
    • Copy


      ({objectName}-{namespace_prexif_if_appliable}_{Layout Name}), eg TR1__Job__c-ATS Popover
      • For example, "TR1__Job__c-ATS Popover".
  5. Click Save.

Next Steps

Next, you will want to specify the layout of the Job Contact Popover. For more details, see Admin: Specify Page Layout for Job Contact Popover.