Power Notes Configuration

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.

This article is intended for System Administrators. For information on how to use Power Notes see Power Notes.


Power Notes use the standard Salesforce Task object and create records with a Power Note record type as a more flexible way to log notes and memos than what is available through Salesforce Activities and Notes. Power Notes provides the ability to add notes to multiple objects using templates and includes a viewer that consolidates the notes better than the standard Salesforce Activity Timeline screen.

Power Notes tasks are visible in the Power Notes viewer rather than the Activity Timeline. Logged in users will see Power Notes they’ve created on their Tasks page. This article covers how to configure Power Notes.


  • The Org must use Bullhorn for Salesforce release 2021.07 or newer
  • Salesforce Lightning
  • ATS v2 data model is enabled
  • Generic Lookup Component is enabled

Configuration Steps

Permission Sets

Assign the Power Notes Admin permission set to the users who are responsible for the Power Notes Setup and future configuration. Assign the Power Notes UserClosed In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In BH4SF instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies and GenericLookup User permission sets to the users who will use Power Notes.

  1. Go to Setup > Permission Sets and choose the relevant permission set.
  2. Click on the Manage AssignmentClosed A Job position button.
  3. Select desired users and click on the Add AssignmentsClosed Object. Its records store details about a Job position to be filled button.
  4. Repeat for each necessary permission set.

Power Notes Custom Setting

Confirm the default custom setting has been created.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Power Notes.
  2. Confirm the Default Organization Level Value is displayed.
    • If it is not there, execute this script in the Developers Console:

Power Notes Subjects

Confirm the default Power Notes Subjects are created.

  1. Click the Salesforce App Launcher and choose Power Notes Subjects.
  2. Switch to the All List ViewClosed One of the three user Interfaces in ATS v2 (the others being Kanban View and Table View) and confirm there are records present.
    • If the list is empty either create the records manually or execute the following Apex Code in Developer Console to generate the standard Subjects:

Read Only

To mark a Power Note as Read Only see Admin: Configure Read Only for Power Notes.

For details on how to add Read Only to a Power Note record, see How to Set Read Only for Power Notes.

Bulk Action Definition

Confirm that the Bulk ActionClosed An action that is performed for a large volume of data (for example, an email sent after selecting a large number of Candidates) Definition record for Power Notes is created.

  1. Click the Salesforce App Launcher and choose Bulk ActionClosed When used in ATS or Search and Match UI, one of multiple actions available after user has selected a sub-set of Candidates Definitions.
  2. Confirm there is a record called Create Power Note.

Add Create Power Note to the ATSv2 Action Menu

Enable the Create a Power Note Action for ATS v2 for each JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement.’s record type.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > ATS Action Configuration and click on Manage Records.
  2. Click Edit next to the record that starts with Create Power Note + {JOB RECORD TYPE NAME}.
  3. Mark the Active checkbox and click Save.
  4. Repeat for other Job Record Types.

Add the Power Notes Component to Page Layouts

Drag and drop the powerNoteList component to the desired object's detail page in the Lightning App Builder and Save.

Power Notes Supported Object Custom Metadata Type

To use Power Notes with Account, Contact, or Job records, create corresponding lookup relationships on the Salesforce Activity Object. Salesforce limits the standard Activity object to a single look-up relationship with each other Object. If there is already an existing lookup relationship you can use the existing fields.

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Activiity.
  2. Check if look-up relationship fields already exist for Account, Contact, or Job. If they do, use those fields, otherwise continue.
  3. Create a new corresponding relationship field on Account, Contact, and Job using these parameters:
    • Data type = Lookup Relationship
    • Related to = {parentObjectNameToUseWithPowerNotes}
    • Do not mark the field as required
    • Enter description/help text
  4. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types.
  5. Choose Power Notes Supported Object and click Manage Records. Complete the following steps for Account, Contact, and Job, if relationship fields are in use
  6. Mark the Active checkbox
  7. Populate the lookup relationship APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. name for each record. This can be found when viewing details for the newly created fields on the Activity Object.
  8. Click Save.

Power Notes Supported Object Custom Metadata Record Fields

These are the fields included on the Custom Metadata Type Power Notes Supported Object record.

Label: Label/name of metadata record

Power Notes Supported Object Name: API name of metadata record

Object name: API name of the object that the Task will be related to.

Task Field Name: API name of the field used on the Related lookup. It will determine what users see here:

Fieldset search list: API name of the fieldset that controls which fields are shown in the lookup field drop-down.

  • If this field is defined but the specified fieldset has no fields in it then the results fields will be shown using the standard Name field.
  • If this field is empty then the results fields will be shown using the standard Name field.
  • If this field is defined but the specified fieldset doesn't exist in the org the user will see an error message.

Fieldset lookups fields: API name of the fieldset that controls which lookup fields are being prepopulated in the Related section. One lookup field per related object is supported. If the fieldset contains more than one field for the same object, only the first one listed will be used. Configuration Example:

  • When creating a Power Note in ATSv2, have the name of the selected Candidate display in the Contact lookup field.
  • Configure the Field Set like this:

Active: When enabled, this shows the related lookup on the New Power Note screen.

Icon Name: The name of the Icon to display with the lookup field in the Related section.

  • The supported Lightning Design System names can be found on https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/icons/. They are written in the format 'utility:down' where utility is the category, and down is the specific icon to be displayed.

SObject API Names To Display: This shows supported Objects. If it is blank (it will be for records configured out of the box) the related lookup is shown on all supported Objects.

WhoId and WhatId Task Lookup Support

The Custom Metadata TypeTask Field Name field holds the API name for a custom lookup (TR1__Job_LeadClosed A record that holds a potential relationship with a person or company. Examples: candidates, contacts, companies, jobs.__c) in the examples in this article. You can also use the existing standard Salesforce Task fields: WhoId and WhatId.

The WhoId field has a Name label and can only refer to a Lead or Contact. WhatId is labeled Related To and can refer to any custom object's records as well as supported standard objects. See Salesforce Documentation for information about limitations.

If WhoId/WhatId standard fields are used in the configuration, the task records created are shown in both Salesforce’s standard activity timeline component and under the Power Notes tab.

Enable Power Notes on Other Objects

Power Notes supports five objects by default:

  • Account
  • Application
  • Candidate/Client
  • Job
  • SendOut Schedule 2

To enable Power Notes to support other objects, use the steps below

Add a New Custom Metadata Type Record.

Add a new record to the Power Notes Supported Objects Custom Metadata Type.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types and click Manage Records on the Power Notes Supported Object.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill out these fields
    • Label: Name of the Metadata Record
    • Power Notes Supported Object Name: System API name of the current metadata record
    • Object name: API name of the Object the Task relates to.
    • Task Field Name: API name of the field to display in the Related lookup section of the New Power Note screen.
    • Fieldset search list: API name of the Fieldset on the related object containing fields to show in search results. Used by the Related component on the New Power Note screen.
    • Fieldset lookups fields: API name of the Fieldset on the related object containing lookup fields used to determine related records when opening the New Power Note screen. One lookup field per related object is used.
    • Active: Controls if the related lookup is active and displayed on the New Power Note screen Related section.
    • Icon Name: The name of the Icon to display with the lookup field in the Related section.
      • The supported Lightning Design System names can be found on https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/icons/. They are written in the format 'utility:down' where utility is the category, and down is the specific icon to be displayed.
  4. Click Save.

Embedding Power Notes into Custom Flows

The global newPowerNoteWrapper Lightning Web Component (LWC) is used to embed Power Notes into Custom Flows. This component subscribes to powerNoteExecute Lightning Message Service and expects parameters to pre-populate Subject, the Task fields that make up the Power Note form and Description (Rich Text area from the right side).


powerNoteExecute Lightning Message Service
                messageData : {
                sourceIds: sourceIds,
                prePopulationObject: {Subject: “Call”},
                disableModalBackdrop: true
  • messageData: The only field in powerNoteExecute. This object stores all required parameters.
  • sourceIds: Array of Power Notes Supported Object Ids. Be sure that TR1__Power_Notes_Supported_Object__mdt record is Active for this Id type. This is required field.
  • prePopulationObject: Object containing Task field-value pairs. Each key is Task (Activity) API Name. If you do not pass this parameter, the Power Note modal will open with no field pre-populated.
  • disableModalBackdrop: Set this property to true to disable double modal background dimming. If you do not pass this parameter, the default value is false.


  1. Embed newPowerNoteWrapper LWC in the desired Application (Component). It can only be embedded in an Aura component if Lightning Web Security is not activated in the org.
  2. Collect pre-population data and the publish message using powerNoteExecute Lightning Message Service packaged in Bullhorn for Salesforce (TR1).

Additional Configuration Options

Option to Hide the New Button

You can hide the New button in the Power Notes component.

  1. Navigate to the Power Notes component. Click Settings > Edit Page.
  2. Go to Page > powerNoteList.
  3. Enable the Hide ‘New’ Button checkbox.

Display Task Records with Various Record Types on the Power Notes List

You can display different task types under the Power Notes component by adding other task record types to the Power Notes Subject object.

Get the Task Record Type Developer Name

  1. Go to Object Manager > Task.
  2. Open the Record Types section and click on the label for the appropriate Record Type.
  3. Copy the Record Type name field value.

Add the Task Record Type Developer Name to the Task Record Type Picklist on the Power Notes Subject Object

  1. Go to Object Manager > Power Notes Subject > Task Record Type.
  2. Scroll to the Values section and click on New.
  3. Paste the Record Type name copied earlier.
  4. Repeat to add more than one record type.
    • The API Name on the picklist must be the same as the Developer Name on the Task Record Type.

A connected app needs to be created to use different record types for Power Notes. Use the drop down below to create a connected app to display multiple task types in Power Notes.

Configure Default Subject Values for Tasks

Power Notes Subject is a mandatory picklist that shows a set of predefined values, so any Power Notes shown under the Power Notes component displays with one of these predefined values.

If your Org is set up to display other Task types along with Power Notes in the Power Notes component, users may see unfamiliar subject lines. A Power Notes Default fieldset has been included to add the required subject to the other Task types in case they weren't correctly configured.

Configuration Steps

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Task Object > Field Sets.
  2. Configure the Power Notes Default fieldset.