User Credentials

System Administrators need to configure each External Job BoardClosed A website where open jobs are advertised before users are able to search. In most cases, Administrators will enter credentials as part of configuration. For full configuration information see External Search Configuration Guide.

For some jobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. boards, each user will need to enter their personal credentials in the Job Board CredentialsClosed In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud, normally used in the context of a login page or access to some feature Management tab within the Org.

  1. Navigate to the External Job Board Credentials Tab in Salesforce.
  2. Click Enter credentials to the right of the desired job board.
  3. Enter the requested credentials.
  4. Click Save.

External Job Board Credentials shows all the external job boards the user has been enabled to use and provides the following statuses:


Credentials Message


The admin has entered credentials, the recruiter doesn’t have to


Entered by Admin

The admin has not entered credentials, the recruiter can’t do anything

Credentials needed

Contact your Admin

The recruiter has to enter credential

Credentials needed

Enter credentials

The recruiter has entered credentials


Enter credentials

The credentials give an error or are expired, the recruiter has to update them

Invalid credentials

Enter credentials

The job board doesn’t require credentials


Not required