Adding a New Sales Tax Rate


This article contains information on how to add a new Sales Tax Group.

Note: These instructions refer to the default terms related to Sales Tax Rates and may vary from how your system was configured.

Sales Tax Rate fields may be edited in Field Mappings.

Before You Begin

You must have the appropriate action entitlements in order to create or edit Sales Tax Rates. If you are unable to add new sales tax rates, please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.


  1. Navigate to the Tax Rules list.
  2. Select the Sales Tax Rates tab.
  3. Click Add Sales Tax Rate.
  4. Complete the required fields and any additional fields as needed:
    • Jurisdiction Type: Select the region or type of tax rate to be used.
    • Jurisdiction Name: Enter in a name for the Jurisdiction, such as a state or city name.
    • Rate: Enter in the tax rate.
    • Reporting Code Name: Enter in the reporting code for the tax rate.
    • Label: This is the name for the rate that will appear throughout the application.
    • Effective Date: When the tax rate goes into effect.
  5. Select Save to confirm your changes.